News Of The Month

April 2024

Unraveling the Mystery of Weather Predicting Bodies

     Have you ever noticed how some people claim they can predict the weather based on their joint pain? It turns out, this isn't just an old wives' tale. Changes in atmospheric pressure, temperature, and humidity can indeed affect our bodies, particularly those suffering from chronic pain conditions like arthritis. This phenomenon is closely linked to the concept of bi-syndrome in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Why people have weather predicting body

As the weather changes, those with bi-syndrome might experience exacerbated symptoms due to the Qi and blood in their bodies becoming more blocked. Acupuncture, therefore, can play a significant role in mitigating these weather-related pain flare-ups by maintaining the smooth flow of Qi and blood.

Acupuncture offers a unique and natural approach to pain management, embracing concepts like bi-syndrome and stagnation and acknowledging the profound interconnectedness between our bodies and the environment. By unblocking Qi and promoting the free flow of energy, acupuncture not only provides relief from pain but also helps us better understand and tune into our bodies.

Acupuncture: A Primer
     Acupuncture, achieved through the precise insertion of thin needles at designated acupoints, aims to regulate the flow of 'Qi' or life force energy, fostering healing and overall well-being. When Qi flows freely, we experience good health. When it's blocked or disrupted, we experience illness or pain. This is where the concepts of bi-syndrome and stagnation come in.

Understanding Bi-Syndrome
     TCM's bi-syndrome involves pain, numbness, and swelling in muscles and joints, attributed to Qi and blood blockages in meridians. Acupuncture targets acupoints, unblocking Qi, enhancing circulation, and relieving bi-syndrome symptoms exacerbated by weather changes.

Stagnation and Its Role in Pain
     TCM links pain to stagnation, where blocked Qi or blood causes discomfort, akin to Western medicine's understanding of poor blood flow leading to pain. Acupuncture targets acupoints to restore Qi and blood flow, alleviating pain and facilitating healing.

     If you've been struggling with chronic or weather-related pain, or know someone who is, consider giving acupuncture a try. 
     Your body - and your peace of mind - might thank you for it.

April 2024

Acupuncture: Bridging Ancient Wisdom with Modern Mental Health Care

   Acupuncture, a cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has been practiced for thousands of years. In recent times, it's gaining increasing recognition in Western medicine as a promising approach to treating a wide variety of ailments – including mental health issues.

Acupuncture and Mental Health
    Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles into specific points on the body, known as acupuncture points. The underpinning principle is the concept of 'qi' or life force energy, which flows through meridians (pathways) in the body. Illness, including mental health disorders, is considered to be a result of blockages or imbalances in this energy. By stimulating specific points, acupuncture aims to restore the natural flow of 'qi', promoting healing and well-being.     Modern science suggests that acupuncture may work by influencing neurochemicals in the brain, reducing inflammation, and stimulating the body's natural painkillers. Numerous studies suggest that acupuncture can help with conditions like anxiety, depression, and stress.

The Potential of Acupuncture in Mental Health
     The potential benefits of acupuncture in managing mental health disorders make it an attractive complementary treatment option. As mental health issues continue to rise globally, an integrative approach that incorporates practices like acupuncture could provide the comprehensive care necessary for individuals to achieve mental wellness.
     It's crucial to ensure mental health treatments are personalized, holistic, and attentive to each individual's unique experiences and needs. Acupuncture, with its low-risk profile and potential for substantial benefits, is an option worth considering.

Here are a few acupressure points that you can stimulate at home:

  1. Heart 7 (HT7):  Located on the wrist's inner side, at the crease where the hand meets the wrist, and towards the little finger's side. This point is traditionally used to calm the mind and relieve anxiety, insomnia, and irritability.
  2. Pericardium 6 (PC6): Found approximately three finger widths below the wrist on the inner forearm. This point is often used to alleviate symptoms of stress and upset stomach, which can accompany anxiety.
  3. Yintang:  Known as the "third eye" point, located between the eyebrows. Stimulation of this point can help promote calmness and reduce stress, anxiety, and insomnia.
  4. Liver 3 (LV3):  Situated on the foot, between the first and second toes, and about two finger widths back. It's thought to help balance emotional energy, relieve stress, and alleviate anxiety and irritability.
  5. Ren 17 (CV17):  Located in the middle of the chest, at the level of the fourth intercostal space. This point is used to open the chest, calm the mind, and reduce anxiety.

   Remember, these points are typically used in combination during a treatment, and the effectiveness of acupressure can vary from person to person. Always seek the advice of a licensed practitioner before starting any new health regimen.

March 2024

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Cold Prevention

   Colds are universal, with numerous suggestions for prevention, such as mega doses of vitamin C and more sleep time. While these ideas have limited proof, varying immune strengths, environmental factors, and seasonal changes influence susceptibility. No universal solution exists, but individuals can still prepare for the cold season.

Exploring the Six Causes of Disease in Traditional Chinese Medicine
    Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been around for nearly 3,000 years and it utilizes many different tools to help people stay healthy. According to TCM theories, there are six causes of disease: wind, cold, summer heat, dryness, dampness, and fire. The human body has to adapt to changes in these elements in order to remain healthy. The main cause of the common cold is wind and it is often associated with sudden or abnormal changes in the weather. Wind frequently combines with other forces to cause different types of illnesses. The most common are wind cold and wind heat. 

Cold Types: Wind Cold vs. Wind Heat Invasions
    Wind cold invasions cause the types of colds that are usually experienced during the snowy winter months. Wind heat invasions cause the types of colds that are commonly seen during the warmer months, when the seasons change from spring into summer and summer into fall. 

TCM Approach to Preventing and Treating Frequent Colds
   Traditional Chinese Medicine has been very successful in treating people who suffer from frequent colds.  Every person has an immune system that usually fights off invasions of bacteria and viruses. But sometimes, when a person is under a lot of stress or doesn’t sleep well or doesn’t eat right, then that immune system can become compromised, and a cold may develop. TCM emphasizes prevention through the use of acupuncture, herbal formulas and diet.

How Traditional Chinese Medicine Prevent Cold

  1. Regular acupuncture:
    Acupuncture aids in defending against foreign invaders and contributes to overall immune system strength.
  2. Herbal Prescriptions in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):
    TCM often prescribes specific herbs for combating viruses and strengthening the immune system.
    Examples include Angelica root, Andrographis, and Forsythia fruit.
  3. Dietary Adjustments with Seasonal Changes:
    TCM suggests adjusting the diet according to seasonal changes. During colder weather, favoring warm, cooked foods is recommended to support the body's balance.
  4. Regular exercise:
    Regular exercise is highlighted as beneficial for preventing colds. Tai chi and qi gong are suggested as low-impact exercises that help keep energy flowing throughout the body.

   The above recommendations are general guidelines for maintaining health and preventing the common cold. It's crucial to note that individual health conditions may vary. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions or concerns, consult with a healthcare professional before implementing these suggestions. Dr. Li Clinic provider can offer personalized guidance based on your specific health needs.

Dr. Li Clinic always prioritizes your health and well-being.

March 2024

Discover Your Unique Path to Managing Stress and Anxiety with Acupuncture

   Have you ever experienced feelings of frustration, fatigue, palpitations, insomnia, or emotional instability? Perhaps it's not a physical ailment but rather a response to stress and anxiety. In TCM, stress and anxiety are not just blanket conditions; they are intricate puzzles made up of your unique symptoms and life experiences. By understanding your specific signs, we can pinpoint a more accurate TCM diagnosis, leading to more effective and personalized treatment.

Different TCM Diagnoses for Stress and Anxiety

1. Liver Qi Stagnation: Often linked with feelings of frustration, irritability, and mood instability. This diagnosis is related to the stagnation of Qi, or life force, particularly in the liver.
2. Heart and Kidney Imbalance: Characterized by symptoms like palpitations, insomnia, or irrational fears. This diagnosis reflects a disharmony between the heart (fire element) and kidneys (water element).

3. Spleen Qi Deficiency: Identified in individuals experiencing stress-induced digestive problems, fatigue, or a sense of heaviness. It indicates a weakness in the spleen's energy system, crucial for both digestion and emotional equilibrium.
4. Lung Qi Deficiency: Seen in those who experience anxiety with shortness of breath, chest tightness, or spontaneous sweating, linked to the lung's role in Qi regulation.
5. Heart Qi Deficiency: Related to anxiety with symptoms like palpitations, shortness of breath, and general weakness. It points to a weakened energy state in the heart.

Which Diagnosis Resonates with You?

    As you read through these diagnoses, you might find that certain symptoms and descriptions resonate more with you than others. This self-reflection is a valuable part of your healing journey. Identifying which diagnosis feels most aligned with your experience can be the first step towards a tailored treatment plan.

Unique Treatments for Unique Individuals

   Based on your specific TCM diagnosis, we develop a customized acupuncture plan. This might include targeting specific points to unblock Qi in the case of Liver Qi Stagnation or harmonizing the heart and kidneys for Heart and Kidney Imbalance.

February 2024

Unveiling the Power of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in Allergy Relief

     A runny nose, sneezing, itching and watery-eyes also known as symptoms of allergies. Dealing with these symptoms can be a real pain, there is a way to combat seasonal allergies without the side effects of medications and to actually get to the root of the problem instead of just masking the symptoms.

   Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) offer a permanent solution to seasonal allergies with an all-natural approach that will ultimately save you money. Since traditional Chinese medicine attacks allergies in a much different method than Western medicine, there is a good chance your allergies will cease to be a problem. TCM looks at the body as a whole and uses an elemental system to determine where there are excesses and deficiencies in each person. The TCM treatments are completely customized to each patient, thus making them much more effective than over-the-counter medications.

    As mentioned, both acupuncture and TCM present viable options for treating seasonal allergies. Let's explore the specific benefits they offer:

TCM Benefits:

  1. Emphasis on Cultivating Wei Qi: TCM focuses on nurturing "Wei Qi," akin to the immune system in Western medicine. Strengthening Wei Qi enhances the body's defense against external substances, reducing the risk of inflammation and allergies.
  2. Customize Treatment Plans: TCM emphasizes comprehensive treatment, analyzing the individual causes of allergies for each patient. This helps determine suitable Chinese herbal medicine and treatment strategies, thereby improving overall efficacy.
  3. Attention to Dietary Habits: TCM practitioners pay attention to patients' dietary habits, as certain foods may compromise immunity, leading to insufficient Wei Qi. Dietary modifications, especially reducing sugar and dairy intake, promote quicker recovery and alleviate allergic reactions.

Acupuncture Benefits:

  1. Enhancement of Wei Qi: Acupuncture contributes to strengthening Wei Qi, making it more challenging for allergens to invade the body. This not only slows down allergic reactions but also boosts overall immune function.
  2. Individualized Acupuncture Point Selection: Tailoring acupuncture to specific allergy symptoms, practitioners choose relevant acupuncture points, such as those addressing excess fire or wind elements. This personalized approach helps alleviate specific allergy symptoms.
  3. Integration with Herbal Medicine for Enhanced Effects: While acupuncture alone aids in combating allergies, combining it with Chinese herbs and formulas provides a more comprehensive therapeutic effect. This extends the duration of acupuncture's impact, increasing overall efficacy.

   In summary, TCM emphasizes overall balance and the impact of dietary habits, while acupuncture adjusts the body's internal energy flow and strengthens the immune system to address allergies. The combination of both approaches achieves optimal therapeutic results.

One must take preventive measures against illness.

February 2024

How to reinvigorate and restore your body

To start the new year off in the best possible way, the best thing you can do is not to immediately accumulate stress or anxiety due to the frency of daily commitments.

Understanding the actual importance of well-being and personal care can lead to preventing disorders and pathologies in the long term.
To prevent or alleviate the typical problems and pains due to daily stress and anxiety Dr. Li's has what's right for you. 

Furthermore, why not take advantages of Valentine's Day to treat your partner to a wonderful couple's treatment!

It's true that the holidays are a time of refreshment and relaxation, but we often fall into the deception of thinking that these automatically bring refreshment and serenity. This is not the case for everyone and above all sometimes the though and worry about returning to everyday life can lead to latent stress that can hide latently within us.
The agitation often does not remain only on an emotional level but is transmitted to our body and metabolism causing real symptoms.
It has been studied and proven that the accumulation and consistency of stress in our body can lead to problems from the mildest to the most serious such as cancer. It is therefore good to be aware of these possible findings and prevent them through specific techniques and practices that can reduce and eliminate these bodily responses.

Our clinic offers numerous services aimed at stimulating and relaxing you body such as pain relief massages. Pain relief massages have very important effects on reducing stress and anxiety. They are also effective painkillers for managing chronic pain such as fibromyalgia, diabetes, arthritis and other similar disorders.

Here are four simple ways to tackle stress of returning to everyday life:
1. Say No:
Be honest about what you can handle. Prioritize quality over quantity in commitments. 

2. Social Media Break:
Spend more time connecting with loved ones than scrolling through picture-perfect feeds. 

3. Limit Sugar:
Too much sugar messes with hormones and blood sugar levels. Opt for nutritious foods. 

4. Sleep and Movement:
Boost your immune system with enough rest, exercise, and outdoor time.

In the midst of stress, hope emerges. In addition to the four tips for reducing stress, consider acupuncture: a natural relief that uses only two needles. Before starting again with the new year and the frenzy of work, book an acupuncture session to start again with a charge of energy and relaxation at the same time.

Dr. Li wishes everyone a stress-free and joyful returning from holidays hoping for a good start to the year!


January 2024

Five Foods for Summer

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) highlights the significance of aligning diet with the seasons. In summer, characterized by warmth and abundance, TCM suggests consuming cooling foods abundant during this season. As the element of fire is associated with summer in TCM, prioritizing fruits and vegetables helps support the heart and small intestine pathways. Staying cool and well-hydrated is essential during this warm season of growth and activity.

The summer months are generally hot and therefore the body needs to be kept cool. This is the perfect time to eat more raw foods that can clear heat. But as with anything, don’t overdo it. Too many cold or raw foods can wreak havoc on the digestive tract causing spasms, tightness and contractions. This will make the body work harder to warm the food being eaten. Therefore, cooked foods and even soups are still recommended during the warm summer months. They are usually made with seasonally-available foods or eaten at room temperature to avoid any digestive conflict.

It is best to avoid heavy, greasy and fried foods during the summer months, as they can also clog up the digestive system. They can also create excess phlegm in the lungs leading to respiratory problems. And when cooking during the season of summer, it is best to create meals quickly and simply by grilling or stir frying.

As mentioned, cooling and hydrating foods are all good choices during the summer months. Here are some foods recommended to eat throughout the season of summer.

1. Summer Vegetables:

Things like peppers, eggplant, onions, and summer squash are all good choices. They tend to be high in water content which helps keep the body cool.

2. Greens:

Foods like cabbage, kale, broccoli, Swiss chard and spinach are great choices to add to a salad or even to stir fry. They tend to be neutral to cooling in nature.

3. Melons:

Melons are high in water content, so they are great to have around on those really hot summer days for replenishing lost fluids. They are also non-calorie dense, so they won’t be heavy on the stomach.

4. Seafood:

While most meats tend to be warming in nature, seafood is not. It leans more heavily toward the cooling nature of food. This makes it a great choice for summer dinners. It’s also high in protein and easy to throw on the grill.


Summer is when there is an abundance of fruits. Most fruit tends to be cooling in nature, but the high sugar content can be detrimental to the spleen. The best choices are fruits grown in tropical climates, as they have the highest water content.  

If you need more help understanding or designing a proper seasonal eating plan, contact us. We want to help identify what plan works best for you. Treatments such as acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can be helpful to you as well to keep a cool head during hot summer days.


January 2024

Kickstart the New Year with Acupuncture:
Setting a Path to Wellness

The dawning of a new year is often accompanied by hopeful resolutions. Yet, as the weeks unfold, keeping these resolutions becomes a challenge for many. Forbes highlights that a mere 8% of individuals who set New Year’s resolutions actually achieve them. But there’s a holistic remedy that could change these odds: Acupuncture.

A Companion for Weight Loss Goals  

For numerous individuals, weight loss tops the New Year's agenda. While diving into diets and gym routines with fervor is common, maintaining this momentum can wane by the end of January. Here's where acupuncture plays a pivotal role:

- Curbing Cravings:
One of the main hurdles to weight loss is the constant battle with cravings. Acupuncture can help manage these urges.

- Hormonal Balance:
Hormonal imbalances often lead to unhealthy eating habits, such as indulging in sugary delights. Acupuncture can aid in restoring this balance, aligning your diet with your weight loss aspirations.

- A Steady Approach:
Coupling regular acupuncture sessions with proper diet and exercise enhances the chance of gradual, healthy weight loss – the ideal way it should be.


Overcoming Workout Strains  

Embarking on an intense gym routine, especially after a long break, can result in muscle strains and soreness. Instead of resorting to over-the-counter pain remedies, consider acupuncture – a tried and tested solution for pain and spasms – and stay on track with your fitness goals.


De-stress with Acupuncture  

The festive season, although joyful, can leave many feeling drained and stressed. Acupuncture offers a dual benefit - alleviating stress and also potentially reducing blood pressure. Pairing acupuncture with practices like tai chi or qi gong can be transformative. You’ll not only experience decreased stress levels but might also witness weight loss, improved health, and increased stamina.

Top 10 most common New Year’s resolutions
Curious what other people chose as their New Year’s resolutions?
These are the top 10:

  1. Exercise more
  2. Lose weight
  3. Get organized
  4. Learn a new skill or hobby
  5. Live life to the fullest
  6. Save more money / spend less money
  7. Quit smoking
  8. Spend more time with family and friends
  9. Travel more
  10.  Read more

As you set your intentions for this year, incorporating regular acupuncture sessions might be the key to not just setting, but actually realising your wellness goals.


December 2023

The Joy Of Healing:

How Summer Fun Heals the Heart

What comes to mind when you think of summer? Does it stir up nostalgia of childhood feelings of freedom, knowing that those endless days were all yours to fill with family and friends as you shared the sunshine? While “adulting” doesn’t always leave room for that kind of freedom, the promise of summer still gives us so much to celebrate.
In TCM, summer belongs to the fire element. It is about expansion, outward expression, activity, and joy. The heart is the ruler of this time. It houses the spirit, and this is the time to let the spirit dance and frolic and feel as free as possible. With the fire element in balance, the heart is happy, the mind is clear, and the body maintains health with a blend of movement and stillness, excitement, and peace. Summer is nature’s way of healing the heart by providing the ideal setting for all things heart-related!

You may wonder what this ideal setting might look like. Well, summer brings its healing via:
What better way to bask in the healing power of summer than by soaking up the healing rays of sunshine. Obviously stop before you get burned, but don’t be afraid to feel that shine and let it in. When UVB rays hit human skin, they help to produce Vitamin D3, which reduces risk of heart disease, stroke, and hypertension. Those same UVB rays cause the skin to release beta-endorphins which promote natural pain-relief and a sense of well-being.
The energy of summer in Chinese medicine is considered very yang in nature, which can be interpreted as bright, positive, and powerful. This is the time to move, get our heart pumping, our blood circulating and focus on our cardiovascular health! Summer makes this a much more inviting task with outdoor sports, swimming, hiking, or simply a walk on a warm summer night.
The sound that belongs to the heart according to TCM is laughter and the emotion is joy. Researchers have found that the quality of family relationships and social connection is a strong factor in heart disease prevention. So, as summer provides the warm inviting opportunities to get together, treasure your family and friends and find ways to connect, laugh and share your joy!

Do you need more inspiration for a little summer fun? Here’s a checklist with some simple and entertaining activities that you might not have thought of yet:

  • Run through the sprinklers
  • Nap in a hammock
  • Watch the sunset from a beach
  • Take a last-minute road trip
  • Give yourself a pedicure in the perfect summer shade
  • Go for a hike
  • Seek out birds and butterflies
  • Roast marshmallows over a fire and make s’mores
  • Make lemonade from scratch
  • Grill everything (including dessert!)

So, what are you doing this Summer?

One more thing that we may suggest, would be to get yourself an acupuncture summer-time tune-up! That’s one of the easiest ways that we can help manage your health and well-being. Or what about a relaxing massage? Give us a call or book your next appointment right here for your summer tune-up.


November 2023

How Positivity Positively Affects You

As November rolls around in Australia, we find ourselves eagerly awaiting the warmth and sunshine of the approaching summer months. Yet, patience can be a virtue, and sometimes it takes a little while before we can bask in the golden rays and enjoy the balmy weather. During this waiting period, it's essential to maintain a positive attitude to brighten our days and keep our spirits high.
Because there is nothing more important than having a positive attitude. The attitude you display toward your day-to-day activities can make a huge difference in improving the quality of your life! Positivity makes the world go round and helps to ensure everything functions harmoniously. It’s a no-brainer that positivity, well, positively affects you.

You should allow the enhancing effects of positivity to start impacting your day as soon as possible. Start your day by letting small amounts of sunlight into your room, enjoying a cup of warming herbal tea or coffee, and just reflecting on what it is you plan to accomplish today. A simple morning routine such as this can boost productivity and positivity throughout the day.
Once your day is started you should make sure to keep the positive energy going. It’s easy to allow the stress of your workday to get to you, and this can crush the positive energy you have worked so hard to embody. The funny thing about this is positive thinking works to eliminate stress and improves well-being. So, in order to not let the workday stress get to you, simply think positive!

You think that’s not realistic? Well, positive thinking doesn't mean that you ignore facts or logic or force yourself to have only positive emotions. It rather means that you approach negative news or stressful situations with a positive outlook. You’re able to look beyond the crisis or setback rather than being consumed by it. You may have to acknowledge and process the negative aspects, but you understand that you will get through it. You know that bad news doesn’t mean the entire world is bad or that you will never experience goodness again.

In case you need a little help getting started, here are some simple tips and tricks to help you gain a more positive mindset and apply consistent positive thinking to your lifestyle.

1. Exercise
Exercise is very important to both your physical and mental health. Make sure you schedule time throughout your day to get some exercise in, which can help maintain a positive lifestyle. 

2. Meditation
Meditation can be extremely beneficial to enriching your life with positive energy. Seek guidance from your community if needed. 

3. Writing
Reduce stress and cultivate positivity by journaling your thoughts. Don't bottle them up; writing can significantly boost positivity.

Staying positive as we wait for summer to grace us with its presence is not just about our outlook on the weather, but it's a holistic approach to well-being. If you're looking for ways to enhance your positivity and maintain that sunny disposition, consider booking an appointment at Dr. Li’s TCM clinic. Here, you can indulge in massages and therapies that not only relax your body but also rejuvenate your mind, helping you stay positive as you eagerly await the arrival of the Australian summer. So, embrace the power of positivity, and let traditional Chinese medicine be your path to a brighter, sunnier outlook.


October 2023

Just in Time for Spooky Season:
The Topic of Anxiety And How Acupuncture Can Help with It!

Because what is scarier than a persistent feeling of unease that lingers longer than the Halloween decorations?

It seems modern day pressures have programmed many of us to live in a state of nervous anticipation, where regardless of circumstances, we are uncomfortable, uneasy, or persistently worried. Hearts race, palms sweat, and breathing becomes heavy. Most of if not all of us can relate to these feelings, but when symptoms like these continue beyond short periods and begin to disrupt our daily life, this can be classified as an anxiety disorder.

In cases of anxiety, certain neural pathways within the emotional centres of the brain tend to become overly active. Remarkably, acupuncture has demonstrated its ability to temporarily inhibit these hyperactive pathways, resulting in a soothing of emotional reactions. While anxiety can be observed in the brain, there are also simultaneous changes in the body that can be measured in terms of blood-hormone levels. The stress hormone cortisol courses through our blood at increased levels when we are in a state of anxiety. Acupuncture can address this issue as well by signalling the body to pull cortisol back out of the blood and return blood-cortisol to normal levels.

Of course, patients with anxiety need to be treated with special care since many will be nervous, especially if it’s their first-time getting acupuncture. The thought of getting “poked” with little needles can for many be anxiety-including itself, but surprisingly, even the most needle-shy patients, with the right acupuncturist, often finally find the relief they’ve been looking for.

For those people who maybe still need to sleep on the idea of getting an acupuncture treatment, we have some simple tips that will help you cope with your anxiety in the meantime:

1. Keep physically active

Develop a routine so that you're physically active most days of the week. Exercise is a powerful stress reducer. It can improve your mood and help you stay healthy.

2. Use stress management and relaxation techniques

Visualization techniques, meditation and yoga are examples of relaxation techniques that can ease anxiety.

3. Make sleep a priority

Do what you can to make sure you're getting enough sleep to feel rested.

4. Socialize
Don't let worries isolate you from loved ones or activities.


Nevertheless, you don’t have to be suffering from an anxiety disorder to experience the spirit-calming satisfaction of an acupuncture treatment. With the emotional ups and downs of our lives and the stress of our modern world, the acupuncture table can be a safe refuge that allows you to return to balance. Call us today to get on that table!


September 2023

The Ancient Healing Art of Acupuncture

Today, we're delving into the captivating realm of acupuncture – a cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has been enriching lives for over two millennia. Acupuncture is far more than the mere insertion of fine needles; it embodies a holistic approach to health that taps into the body's intrinsic healing abilities.

The Core of Acupuncture: Harmonizing Your Qi

Acupuncture centers around the notion of "qi," the vital energy that flows through pathways called meridians within the body. In a state of balanced and unobstructed qi flow, health thrives. Imbalances or interruptions in this flow can lead to an array of physical and emotional ailments. By activating specific points along these meridians, acupuncturists strive to restore harmony and equilibrium.

Unveiling Acupuncture's Advantages

While acupuncture's efficacy has been recognized and documented for millennia, modern research has illuminated the mechanisms underpinning its healing prowess. Studies indicate that acupuncture could:

1. Ease Discomfort:
Acupuncture has earned renown for its capacity to alleviate pain, rendering it a sought-after remedy for chronic conditions like back pain, migraines, and arthritis.

2. Enhance Circulation:
The introduction of needles can amplify blood circulation to targeted areas, bolstering tissue healing and regeneration.

3. Foster Tranquility:
Analogous to massage, acupuncture prompts the release of endorphins and stimulates a parasympathetic response, culminating in decreased stress and an improved mood.

4. Support Digestion:
Acupuncture might alleviate digestive concerns by regulating the function of the digestive system and mitigating inflammation.

5. Strengthen Immunity:
Through harmonizing the body's energy, acupuncture could potentially fortify the immune system's capacity to ward off illnesses.

Integrating Acupuncture into Your Life

1. Initial Consultation:

Embark on your journey with a comprehensive consultation. Our adept practitioners will assess your distinct health requirements, crafting a personalized acupuncture regimen.

2. Treatment:
Immerse yourself in the gentle insertion of fine, sterile needles into specific acupoints. Fear not – most individuals find this process soothing and virtually pain-free.

3. Wholistic Healing:
Beyond addressing physical concerns, acupuncture attends to emotional and mental well-being, fostering a balanced and harmonious state of being.

4. Ongoing Support:
Depending on your condition, a series of acupuncture sessions might be suggested. Progress will be closely monitored, with adaptations made to optimize outcomes.

5. Self-Empowerment:
Just as within TCM philosophy, acupuncture empowers you as the protagonist of your healing odyssey. Listen to your body, practice self-care, and embrace a healthier lifestyle.


August 2023

Acupuncture and Self Care for a Healthy August

August is the perfect time to reset, refresh, and reassess your health and wellness practices. Acupuncture, a well-established healing practice in traditional Chinese medicine, is an excellent method to promote overall health and wellbeing. With August being the last moth until Spring, there truly is no better time to get ready for the warming climate in a couple of weeks!

Acupuncture: A Pillar for Improved Health

Acupuncture is a cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine that involves the insertion of tiny needles into specific body points to stimulate healing. While the practice is thousands of years old, modern research has confirmed many of its benefits.

Among the numerous advantages, acupuncture promotes better sleep quality, reduces stress and anxiety, boosts the immune system, alleviates chronic pain, and enhances digestion. Each of these benefits contributes to a healthier lifestyle and potentially longer lifespan.

Enhancing Your Lifestyle

Acupuncture promotes an equilibrium in the body, thereby allowing it to function more efficiently. Through this holistic approach, individuals can tackle issues like insomnia, digestive problems, chronic stress, and more, leading to a significant improvement in their quality of life. Instead of living with these conditions, acupuncture enables individuals to address them directly, fostering a healthier lifestyle.

A Gateway to Longevity

According to a study published in "The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences", acupuncture may enhance longevity by reducing inflammatory responses in the body. Inflammation is a key contributor to various age-related diseases such as cardiovascular disorders, arthritis, and certain cancers. By combating this inflammation, acupuncture could potentially contribute to a longer, healthier life.

Moreover, acupuncture's benefits on mental health shouldn't be overlooked when considering longevity. Stress, depression, and anxiety have profound impacts on our health and lifespan. Acupuncture, proven to reduce these issues, plays a significant role in mental wellness, which is equally crucial for a long, fulfilling life.

Here are some self-care tips to help you cultivate a healthier life.

1. Make Sleep a Priority

Sleep is as important to our health as eating, drinking, and breathing. It allows our bodies to repair and our brains to consolidate memories and process information. Good sleep is critical to ensure optimal health and quality of life. Try to maintain a regular sleep schedule and create a calming pre-sleep routine.

2. Exercise Regularly

Regular physical activity can help reduce the risk of several health conditions, like heart disease and diabetes. It can also help maintain healthy body weight and promote a positive mental state. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each day.

3. Practice Mindful Eating

Pay attention to what you eat and why. Are you genuinely hungry, or are you stressed, bored, or tired? Mindful eating can help you maintain a healthy relationship with food and promote better digestion.

4. Stay Hydrated

Keeping your body hydrated is essential to support all its vital functions. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Infuse your water with fruits for added nutrients and flavour.

5. Prioritise Mental Health

Keep stress in check through practices like meditation, yoga, or tai chi. Consider setting aside a few minutes each day for mindfulness or relaxation exercises. Regular acupuncture sessions can also contribute to better mental health by reducing stress and anxiety levels.

6. Regular Health Check-ups

Regular health check-ups can help find problems before they start. They also can help find problems early, when your chances for treatment and cure are better. Include acupuncture as part of your routine check-ups to keep your health at its peak.


July 2023

Acupuncture and Psoriasis: Soothe Your Skin

Living with psoriasis can be a challenging journey, as this chronic skin condition can cause discomfort and affect our overall well-being. While there is no cure for psoriasis, acupuncture offers a holistic and natural approach to managing its symptoms. In this article, we will explore how acupuncture can help soothe psoriasis and enhance skin health.

Understanding Psoriasis:

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that manifests as red, scaly patches on the skin. It occurs when the immune system triggers an overproduction of skin cells, leading to their rapid accumulation on the surface. This results in the characteristic plaques and itching commonly associated with psoriasis.

The Role of Acupuncture in Psoriasis Management:

Acupuncture, a key component of traditional Chinese medicine, focuses on restoring balance and promoting the body's natural healing abilities. By targeting specific acupuncture points, acupuncture aims to regulate the flow of energy, known as Qi, within the body. Here's how acupuncture can help manage psoriasis:

1. Reducing Inflammation:

Acupuncture has been found to possess anti-inflammatory properties, making it valuable in alleviating psoriasis-related inflammation. By stimulating acupuncture points, this ancient practice can help regulate immune responses and reduce the release of pro-inflammatory substances, providing relief for inflamed skin.

2. Promoting Circulation:

Psoriasis is associated with impaired blood circulation in affected areas. Acupuncture stimulates blood flow to the skin, promoting better circulation and oxygenation. Improved circulation supports the delivery of essential nutrients and removal of waste products, aiding in the healing process.

3. Regulating the Immune System:

Psoriasis is an immune system disorder, and acupuncture can help modulate immune responses. Research suggests that acupuncture can regulate immune function, preventing excessive immune activity that contributes to psoriasis symptoms. By promoting immune balance, acupuncture can help reduce the severity and frequency of psoriasis flare-ups.

4. Relieving Itch and Discomfort:

Persistent itching and discomfort are common challenges for individuals with psoriasis. Acupuncture can help alleviate itching by stimulating the release of endorphins, the body's natural pain-relieving and mood-enhancing chemicals. By reducing itchiness and discomfort, acupuncture improves overall quality of life for those living with psoriasis.

Complementary Lifestyle Practices:

In addition to acupuncture, adopting healthy lifestyle practices can support psoriasis management. Consider incorporating the following habits into your routine:

1. Moisturize Regularly:

Keeping your skin hydrated is crucial for psoriasis management. Apply moisturizers daily to prevent dryness and minimize skin irritation. Look for fragrance-free and gentle moisturizers recommended by dermatologists or your healthcare provider.

2. Manage Stress:

Stress can trigger psoriasis flare-ups, so finding healthy ways to manage stress is essential. Engage in activities that promote relaxation, such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or mindfulness practices. Acupuncture sessions can also help reduce stress levels.

3. Avoid Triggers:

Identify and avoid triggers that worsen your psoriasis symptoms. Common triggers include certain foods, alcohol, smoking, and excessive sun exposure. Keep a journal to track any patterns between your lifestyle choices and flare-ups, helping you make informed decisions about potential triggers to avoid.

4. Maintain a Balanced Diet:

While diet alone cannot cure psoriasis, consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can support skin health. Consider consulting with a registered dietitian or healthcare provider for personalised dietary recommendations.

Acupuncture offers a promising avenue for managing psoriasis symptoms naturally. By targeting the underlying imbalances within the body, acupuncture helps reduce inflammation, regulate the immune system, promote circulation, and provide relief from itchiness and discomfort. Alongside acupuncture, adopting a holistic approach that includes self-care practices and healthy lifestyle habits can further support your psoriasis management efforts.

 Together, we can develop a comprehensive plan that supports your journey towards soothing skin and improved quality of life. Ask us more!

June 2023

Tips for Managing Anxiety

Anyone who has suffered from anxiety knows how paralyzing it can be. It’s hard to know what to do in a moment of panic to break the cycle of distress. But just doing something, anything, in the direction of self-help can shift our entire mental, emotional and physiological experience. It has been said that “action is the antidote to anxiety”. Here are some Traditional Chinese Medicine inspired tips to consider when we need a little guidance in taking action.

Slow your Breath:

Sounds simple but this is the most important first step as slow, paced breathing has the power to help us regulate emotions while giving us access to frontal lobe reasoning and flexibility in thought to see our way through stressful situations. Slow, deep breathing, as taught in Qi Gong (ancient energy cultivation practice) pacifies the sympathetic (fight-or-flight) nervous system , calming the mind and body simultaneously.

Rub Your Low Back (Kidney Area):

The kidneys are important in anxiety-care because they house the Zhi, the spirit of the kidneys. Zhi loosely translates to the will. It relates to our place and purpose in the world and helps us feel safe and secure in our existence and our destiny. With kidney deficiencies, we can lose that spiritual support from the zhi. Anxiety and fears can take hold. Chinese medicine encourages us to warm the kidneys daily with the friction of (mid to) low back rubs.

Spend Some Time in Nature:

Another way to restore that sense of safety and belonging is to get in nature. In our technological society we can easily feel disconnected and forget that we are a part of nature. Chinese Medicine, rooted in Taoist philosophies, reminds us that true health is harmony with nature. We can help reset our natural rhythms by a walk in the forest or a meditation in the garden. Get some sun on your face and some earth under your feet! The act of connecting barefoot feet to the ground has been said to recharge our kidney energy through the kidney pressure point on the bottoms of the feet, and this practice of “earthing” has actually been shown to have many beneficial effects on the body! While it's just become Winter, the cold weather could inspire to get more active to increase body temperature, furthering your earthing effects!

Take a Yin Supplement:

Magnesium is considered a yin (cooling/calming energy) tonifying mineral in that it helps every system of the body shift into relaxation mode by acting as a natural calcium channel blocker. You can take it internally or topically for fast relief from anxiety.

Press These Acupressure Points:

HEART-7: Shen men (spirit gate) Located on the inside of your wrist, in the crease, on the pinky side. Calms the heart, physically and emotionally, to relieve anxiety.

Du-24: Shenting (spirit courtyard) Located at the top-center of the forehead over the pre-frontal cortex of the brain. Has a sedative effect and helps to restore balance between emotions and logic.

Reach Out to Family & Friends:

Sounds simple but this is the most important first step as slow, paced breathing has the power to help us regulate emotions while giving us access to frontal lobe reasoning and flexibility in thought to see our way through stressful situations. Slow, deep breathing, as taught in Qi Gong (ancient energy cultivation practice) pacifies the sympathetic (fight-or-flight) nervous system , calming the mind and body simultaneously.

Tap Your Upper Chest:

The Kidney ‘transport’ points are found on the upper chest on either side of the sternum. Each of these points deal with emotional or spiritual aspects of our health. Tapping these points gently with fingertips has been shown to have profound effects in emotional healing practices such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).

Make a Cup of Tea:

Trade in your coffee for chamomile, an easily accessible tea flower that has calming properties. Add some rose petals to move the liver qi and soothe feelings of frustration. If you can get your hands on some mimosa flowers, sprinkle those in the mix to bring your heart back into balance.

It is important to note that these techniques may not work all the time, and if symptoms become unbearable, seeking professional help is always the best option for your help. This being said, they have shown results over centuries of use, and they've been honed in and made much more accurate through different use cases, body types, and situations.

So give it a try! And if you start to enjoy TCM, come into Dr Li’s TCM Clinic for a deeper dive into the world with Dr Li’s highly experienced staff and their host of treatment/management techniques.

May 2023

TCM & Women's Health

In TCM theory, weakening of key female reproductive health aspects might be linked with genetic defects, overwork, too little rest, injury from too much menstrual bleeding, emotional distress, improper diet, too much alcohol, or too much chilled food. Contemporary TCM practitioners believe that some medicines and medical interventions, like long-term use of hormonal birth control methods, can also have a detrimental effect on the female system.

Is there a natural, non-invasive way to help ease symptoms of women’s health issues? Yes!

A multitude of scientific studies have shown that Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an effective way to treat many gynecological health conditions, and to maintain general good health for women. That includes acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, which are finally gaining more and more scientific validity in the Western Medicine arena—thought they have been used successfully for centuries!

Women’s health issues that can be supported by TCM include reproductive health (fertility and pre-natal care), menstrual wellness, menopause and perimenopause symptoms, and so much more. Because so many gynecological issues involve painful symptoms, and acupuncture is proven to provide pain relief, it’s natural that acupuncture is so helpful when it comes to women’s health.

Blood Flow

So much of our health depends on the flow of blood throughout our body and to our organs—this is even more important for women. Scientific studies show that acupuncture is effective for improving blood flow  to vital organs as it relaxes blood vessels, and reduces high blood pressure.


1 million people in Australia suffer from fibromyalgia, and most of those are women. Fibromyalgia is complicated and can be difficult to treat, because of its many linked causes and symptoms. According to the Mayo Clinic, acupuncture can help reduce the pain of fibromyalgia symptoms.


Recent studies have found that acupuncture may improve menstrual health and help women conceive. Because these studies are so new (since TCM has been rejected in the Western world for so long, and is only beginning to become a part of scientific medical research and practice), more research is needed. 

TCM and acupuncture are long standing concepts that continuously prove their worth in modern society. Many areas that can't be solved or remedied by Western Medicine have a chance of being fixed through TCM and so many fall out on potential long term improvements by not trying. So come to Dr Li's TCM Clinic for first hand experience of TCM practiced by experienced professionals and extremely friendly staff.

April 2023

Acupressure for Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain plagues many people with statistics saying 80% of people will experience it, however, can be highly potent for those who sit for long hours or do not have the means by which to set the appropriate ergonomics on their chairs. Given enough time, back pain could become chronic and treatment would simply lead to the easing and management of pain, rather than the alleviation and prevention of pain. The more thought we put into our backs when we’re younger, the more our bodies will thank us when we’re older. This is where Dr Li’s TCM clinic comes in! Traditional

Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a medical system that dates back nearly 3,000 years. But despite its age, TCM has a lot of validity to offer in the age of modern medicine. TCM provides many ways of combating low back pain. Here are just a few examples of how this ancient medical system can help. Studies have shown that acupuncture stimulates the body to produce natural steroids that reduce inflammation. Acupuncture also increases the production of endorphins, which are helpful in reducing pain. In this way, acupuncture can be very helpful in preventing costly surgeries or prescription pain medication addiction. If a person seeks out acupuncture treatments when the low back pain is acute, it can potentially help them avoid chronic pain, thus decreasing the need for pain medications or surgery.

But what do we do if we don’t have access to a TCM clinic, or want a more DIY solution?


Below are 3 acupressure points that could potentially help you with lower back pain if you commit to regular application.

Large Intestine 4:

This point is located bilaterally on the back side of the hand, in the webbing between the forefinger and the thumb. When the hand is made into a fist, the point can be located in the centre of the mound of flesh that is created. This point is used for relieving pain anywhere in the body.

Gall Bladder 34:

This point is found bilaterally on the outer side of the lower leg. It can found in the depression that is in front of and below the head of the fibula. This point is known as the influential point of the tendons.

Urinary Bladder 40:

This point is located bilaterally on the crease behind the knee, right in the center, directly behind the knee cap. This point helps relieve pain along the spine. It is helpful for relieving muscle spasms and reducing pain associated with sciatic nerve involvement, which stems from the low back.

It is important to note that acupressure may not work all the time, and if symptoms become unbearable, seeking professional help is always the best option for your help. This being said, Acupressure has shown results over centuries of use, and the points themselves have been honed in and made much more accurate through different use cases, body types, and situations.

So give it a try! And if you start to enjoy TCM, come into Dr Li’s TCM Clinic for a deeper dive into the world with Dr Li’s highly experienced staff and their host of treatment/management techniques.

March 2023

Acupuncture and Autumn


Autumn is a season of transition, where the weather starts to cool down, and the days become shorter. With these changes, the body can become more susceptible to illnesses and infections. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes that the human body's energy changes with the seasons, and autumn is a time when the body's energy is moving inward and downward. This shift in energy can weaken the immune system, making the body more vulnerable to illness. Acupuncture, a key component of TCM, can potentially help boost the immune system and protect against autumn-related health issues.

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical practice that involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. According to TCM, the human body has a network of energy pathways called meridians. These meridians are connected to different organs and systems in the body, and the flow of energy or Qi through these meridians can affect the body's overall health and wellbeing. When Qi is blocked or imbalanced, it can lead to various health issues. This is where Dr Li’s TCM Clinic could help you!

Acupuncture can help balance the flow of Qi, restoring balance to the body and boosting the immune system. It stimulates the production of white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting off infections and illnesses. It can also help regulate the body's stress response, which can weaken the immune system.

Paddington Clinic also has some tips for your diet when at home:

  1. Eat plenty of seasonal vegetables, especially steamed and veggies in soups.
  2. Pungent veggies that help stimulate the lungs, such as watercress, cabbage,
    turnip, ginger, horseradish, pepper, onions, and garlic.
  3. Fermented vegetables which are easier to digest and help protect Spleen Qi.
  4. Enjoy a few fresh fruits, especially those low in sugars, such as lemons, limes,
    Granny Smith apples, and grapefruit.

Acupuncture can be used to treat a variety of health issues related to autumn, such as colds, flu, allergies, and asthma. It can also help with fatigue, anxiety, and depression, which are common during the autumn season. By boosting the immune system and promoting overall health and wellbeing, acupuncture can potentially help patients stay healthy and resilient as the climate cools down. 

Acupuncture is a powerful tool in traditional Chinese medicine for boosting the immune system and protecting against autumn-related health issues. By restoring balance to the body's energy and promoting overall health and wellbeing, acupuncture can help patients stay healthy and resilient during the autumn season.

Finally, if acupuncture isn't the right path for you to take, there are some options you can implement for 'at-home' care. As seen from the Paddington Clinic, these are:

  1. breathe deeply
  2. let go of any negativity in your life
  3. reorganise, clean and donate
  4. wear a scarf and warm clothing to prevent coldness and susceptibility to sickness
February 2023

Transitioning Positively from Summer to Autumn


February means we are now moving on from Summer. The Earth has warmed up and we now have time to assess our bodies and Qi’s to promote further healing. This healing may come naturally with your increased activity, however, finding pressure points and utilising TCM techniques can be an extremely effective way of maximising the healing of your heart and stomach going into Autumn.

Acupuncture and Acupressure for Healing as Summer Ends

Acupuncture and TCM:

Seeking professional help quite often is both the quickest and safest option for healing your body. While western medicine might use various drugs and non natural healing techniques, Traditional Chinese TCM looks to nature to find healthy, sustainable techniques for promoting your health condition.

Summer is unique in that it has 2 additional organ systems that play supporting roles in the balance and maintenance of the fire element in the body. These are the Pericardium and the Triple Burner. Both of these organ systems are involved in the regulation and circulation of warmth in the body and have pathways along the arms as well. TCM might be able to target these organs and free up the circulation of Qi and warmth through them, thus improving bodily function.

Overall, TCM could be very beneficial for you, providing a means in which to improve the flow of energy through your organs this Summer. Dr Li and her colleagues are here to help you so don’t hesitate to get some help.

At Home Acupressure:

Acupressure is a way of targeting meridians in your body to help release the flow of Qi around much like acupuncture. While acupressure is available to all of us to try at home, it could also be worthwhile to try more mild techniques first. Simply stretching and moving the arms is an easy way to awaken and energise your channels for seasonal health!

Further stretches include:

  • Stretching your hands to the tips of the fingers
  • Stretching your arms and body to put gentle pressure on the chest, back and shoulder joint
  • Utilising a star shaped stretch on the floor  to feel the opening of energy in your armpits where the heart and pericardium channels travel through

Finally, there are 2 key points to hit for effective acupressure. These are Heart 8 and pericardium 6.

  • Heart 8 (HT 8)
    • Make a loose fist and where your pinky tip touches your palm is the spot
    • Dig in gently to feel the effect
  • Pericardium 6 (PC 6)
    • Make a fist, squeeze, and notice 2 tendons along the centre of your forearm. Apply pressure 3 finger spaces below the wrist crease, between those tendons.
January 2023

Acupuncture For the New Year


So…You’ve set your New Year’s resolutions and already, it’s starting to fall apart. Well, don’t worry, you’re not alone! According to Forbes, 92% of people abandon their New Years resolutions. But this year, Dr Li can try and help you with your resolutions by showing you how acupuncture can help us with maintaining our resolutions.


Acupuncture might be able to help curb your cravings. For many people, their bodies release hormones that make them want to eat foods that may undermine their resolution goals and long term health goals. Controlling these hormones and limiting their effect on our decisions is a key to ensuring that we don’t abandon our New Years resolutions. Acupuncture is able to target the organs and pressure points that can balance out these hormones, thus potentially limiting your cravings and improving the ease with which you stick by your health resolutions. 

Pain and Soreness

For many people, part of their health resolutions is going to the gym. The problem with this is that going to the gym for the first time shocks the muscles as building them means you are tearing the fibres and allowing them to grow back stronger. The soreness you will feel in the first week as a result becomes a massive deterrent for sticking by a resolution. Acupuncture at the hands of an accredited professional such as Dr Li might help to relieve pain and reduce muscle spasms, thus leading to faster recovery and better results over time, thus encouraging you to stand by your resolution.


With Christmas, Boxing Day and New Years Eve all being so close together, stress during this January period might be at an all time high. Add onto that your resolution and all of a sudden being dedicated for a more healthy year becomes extremely hard and stressful. Stress reduction is actually one of the top 5 most chosen New Years resolution thus showing its importance. Numerous studies have shown that acupuncture can not only decrease stress and anxiety, but it can also lower blood pressure. Acupuncture might also be able to help those on blood pressure medications taper off, using natural therapy over artificial substances.

Acupuncture is an important staple piece of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Dr Li’s TCM Clinic are experts at utilising it for the best potential results.

To give you a small experience of what acupuncture would be like, these are three acupuncture points that are great for starting off the New Year:

  • Urinary bladder 23
    • Located bilaterally, on either side of the spine
    • Frequently used to help with deafness, dizziness, knee pain, low back pain and urinary issues
  • Governing vessel 14
    • Located below the seventh cervical vertebra
    • Used to prevent and cure colds, flu and seasonal-related sicknesses
  • Stomach 36
    • Located bilaterally on the outer lower leg
    • Known as the longevity point in TCM and can help solve fatigue, dizziness and knee pain
December 2022

Summer and the Heart

How Summer can Help Heal the Heart

It is now December, which means we are officially in summer. As TCM likes to say, we are now in the Fire element portion of the year. Summer is a very good season for healing and the place where you might see the best results is the heart. With Summer encouraging activity and balance, you may find that those disciplines lead to positive and long lasting effects.

The heart houses the Shen, or spirit, and this is the time to let that spirit dance and frolic as freely as possible. With the fire element in balance, the heart can be happy, the mind clear and the body possibly more healthy. So now, what exactly are the parts of Summer that could lead to genuine improvements in your heart health.


In summer, the sun comes out brighter and for longer each day. Getting out into that sunlight with the proper protection of sunscreen, leads to a production of Vitamin D3. This vitamin can potentially reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and hypertension. Furthermore, the UVB rays cause the skin to release beta-endorphins which could promote natural pain relief and send of well-being. Finally, sunlight helps the body to release nitrogen oxides, which opens arterial flow and have anti-inflammatory effects.


The fire element in traditional Chinese Tim has a radiating, dispersing power. As a result utilising this involves moving and encouraging blood flow through the heart and body. Some ideas for this activity are:

  • Outdoor sports
  • Swimming
  • Hiking
  • Simple walks
  • Going out with friends
  • Finding an active hobby

Beauty of the Season:

Making your spirit feel comfortable in the heart is a matter of providing it with what it craves: Beauty. With flowers blooming, colours exploding and birds being more active, finding inspiration for your spirit is not too hard. So be sure to get out of your houses and enjoy whatever stimulates your mind and heart. In doing so, you can celebrate your own creative expression along with the energy of the season, thus potentially leading to healing within your heart.


According to TCM, the sound that belongs to the heart is laughter, and the emotion is joy. Research has also found that the quality of family relationships and social connection is  a strong factor in heart disease prevention. So, as summer provides the warm, inviting opportunities to get together, treasure your family and friends to connect and find joy in your heart.

Traditional Chinese TCM:

The above activities and lifestyle combination could be extremely beneficial for the healing of your heart, however, sometimes professional help could be needed. Look no further than Dr Li’s TCM Clinic as with her industry experience, knowledge and certifications, she can give you the best chance at healing your heart, soul and mind.

November 2022

TCM in Summer

What does the Summer mean for TCM and our bodies?

Chinese medicine views our Qi and its connection to the earth in 5 parts and elements. These are fire, earth, metal, water and wood. Each element is associated with a season and personality type that embodies the energy of that element.

Summer refers to the fire element which can be seen practically through the increased temperatures and longer days. Within us as well, there is a sense of vibrancy that is awakened. Along with the the fire, the wizard is also pronounced during Summer. The wizard is the embodiment of this energy: colourful, enchanting, expressive and full of enthusiasm.

While fire may warm you up in Summer, it can be hot enough to burn you if you do not manage it carefully. This is where the importance of balance is apparent. The signs of a fire burning too strong are:

  • Excess perspiration
  • Inability to rest
  • Excessive talking
  • Fast heartbeat
  • High blood pressure
  • Red face
  • Rashes
  • Cramps
  • Restricted blood circulation
  • Dangerous enlargement of the heart organ

If this excess fire is not quenched, you might experience burn out, which leads to nervousness and withdrawal.

That being said, there are ways to to keep your fire in balance throughout summer:

  • Allow yourself time for the pursuit of pleasure
  • Stay hydrated, avoid overindulging in spicy foods and stimulants
  • Avoid over-excitement and over-exertion, thus making time for rest and solitude
  • Maintain appropriate physical, emotional and spiritual boundaries
  • Cultivate a peaceful spirit, tranquil mind and harmonious heart (meditation could help with this)

Finally, seeking the help of a traditional Chinese TCM professional such as Dr Li might be extremely helpful for you and your Qi balance. TCM professionals can use techniques such as acupuncture and moxibustion in order to relax your body and improve its Qi flow, thus steadying the processes in your mind.

November 2022

Insomnia Relief


As Spring is in full force for Australia, insomnia is likely to increase for many people. This insomnia will lead to reduced and staggered sleep, tiredness during the day and general lethargy during this season. It goes without saying that finding any amount of relief is paramount for those of us struggling with insomnia.


Instead of depending on sleeping pills, consider Chinese herbs. These herbs can help with insomnia and increase your quality of sleep. Many of these herbs can be easily found in your local grocery store, or better yet prescribed by a TCM Practitioner such as Dr Li.

  • Chamomile
    • Chamomile tea is a great choice for anyone before bedtime, with calming effects
  • Chrysanthemum
    • Chrysanthemum tea is known to help cleanse the liver. When the liver is not working properly, it can cause insomnia, irritability, and dizziness
  • Ginseng
    • Although ginseng is typically known as a stimulant, the root works by normalizing your body’s stress levels
  • Schisandra
    • Schisandra tea can be found at most health stores and is known to promote lung and kidney function
  • Melatonin
    • Melatonin is heavily involved in the management of the circadian rhythms or the “sleep-wake” cycle. Melatonin supplements may help you fall asleep faster and improve the quality of sleep
  • Valerian root
    • Valerian is often combined with hops and lemon balm and can be a very effective treatment for insomnia

These herbs can all be very useful when combined with mediums such as tea, leading to an energy boost for your body in the day and a calming presence in the night for your insomnia. Furthermore, their abilities to control stress levels, organ function and circadian rhythms means that when night time comes around, your body is chemically, mentally and physically ready for sleep.


For some, acupuncture is doubted as a legitimate remedial technique, however research may suggest otherwise. A study published in the journal of sleep medicine took a sample of 72 patients with insomnia and recorded their insomnia severity index as a baseline. Then, over the next 4 weeks, these patients were given acupuncture treatments 3 times a week. By the end of the study, once the insomnia severity index was re-recorded, the patients had all improved markedly, hence showing true, tested potential for the effect of acupuncture on the human body. Come along to Dr Li's TCM Clinic for professional acupuncture, however if at home, there are acupressure points that can provide relief.


  • Pericardium 7 (PC-7)
    • In the middle of the wrist crease, between both tendons
  • Heart 7 (H-7)
    • With palm facing up, on the inside of the wrist, on the little finger side of the crease where the hand meets the wrist
  • Pericardium 6 (PC-6)
    • On the inside of the forearm, in between the tendons, 2.5 finger widths below the wrist crease
October 2022

It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month!


A 30 year tradition where October has been taken to shed a light on breast cancer has caused many early diagnoses and detections. This has allowed for much more effective treatments and higher life expectancy for those with breast cancer. It is safe to say that this tradition is just as important this year and expressing the connection between TCM and Breast cancer.

In today’s world, 1 in 8 women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. It is utterly unfair that so many people go through this degenerative disease every year, but knowing the fallouts of it, we should do everything we can to look out for warning signs while practicing preventative methods.

Breast Cancer Causes According to TCM:

  • Stagnation(liver qi)
    • The liver is in charge of moving the qi in the body, dispersing stagnation caused by various influences. Emotional stress can cause a weakness in its capacity for qi distribution and regulation. The liver channel also connects directly with the breasts. Unchecked stagnation can cause dense tissue and masses to form.
  • Heat
    • On a very basic level, heat in TCM can be likened to inflammation. This can be caused by internal or external influences. One of the main external influences that can lead to heat (and therefore inflammation) in the body are environmental toxins.
  • Deficiencies
    • Both qi and blood deficiencies can contribute to the development of breast cancer. The immune system needs enough qi to target and remove abnormal (potentially cancerous) cells and regenerate healthy ones. A deficiency of blood can lead to stagnation if there is not enough blood to maintain vigorous circulation (picture a river during a drought).
  • Dampness
    • One of the ways dampness expresses itself in the body is by the accumulation of excess fat. Also, dampness and heat combined usually generates ‘phlegm stagnation’ which can take the form of hardness, nodules and tumours

Risk Minimisation and Prevention:

  • Eat seasonal and nutritious foods as this helps the movement and creation of Qi and blood
  • Avoid processed foods as it creates toxic heat and dampness
  • Maintain a regular exercise regimen which not only leads to healthy weight, but allows for toxins to be released through sweat
  • Filter your air and water
  • Manage your stress. Practices such as meditation and removing stressful activities can be extremely effective
  • Massage and castor oil packs can be used preventatively to help avoid local stagnation, often found in fibrocystic (lumpy) breasts
  • Acupuncture and Herbs are wonderful tools for prevention and can also help to treat side effects of conventional cancer therapies (nausea, neuropathy, pain etc.) 

Dr Li’s TCM Clinic could be extremely helpful in this regard with years of dedication and experience towards her clients. Come for a consultation and hopefully, within a few sessions, you could be feeling much better about yourself and your future health.

Cancer is a horrible part of our world, inflicting pain on those that do not deserve it at all. Furthermore, seeing loved ones go through the extremely arduous and excruciating battle for life can bring immense sadness. For too many people, late diagnosis and long term health compromises have led to much more difficult battles with cancer. The power to do something about this is in your hands with the TCM interpretation of breast cancer showing how we can indeed have an effect on how cancer interrupts our lives by knowing the warning signs of cancer and by minimising our risk of contraction.

October 2022

Alleviating Spring Allergies

Spring Allergies and How TCM could Alleviate Them

 While Spring marks the end to a season of cold temperatures and short days, it is also a time where many allergies rise up such as hay fever. Making sure you have a handle on these effects early in Spring can go a long way to improving this phase of the year efficiently.

It is undeniable that western medicine has come far in diagnosing allergies and subsequently treating them, however the cause of these allergies is still not known. This fact where Western medicine is limited provides an opening for TCM to possibly make your life better. This is because TCM doesn’t need to know why allergies only effect some people due to the way it is applied to the body through Wei Qi.

Wei Qi

 Wei Qi in TCM is very much like the immune system in Western Medicine. It protects the body against foreign materials which is very important as these are what lead to inflammation and thus allergies. When people have a low Qi, they become more susceptible to getting an allergy. This effect is only amplified in Springtime with the blooming flowers and flora leading to more particulates in the air. By boosting your Wei Qi, you’ll be potentially boosting your immunity.


Acupuncture is a staple piece of Dr Li’s TCM clinic. With decades of combined experience, Dr Li and her staff will be able to use acupuncture to hopefully identify and target the proper pressure points on your body that could lead to rapid allergy remediation. So what exactly does this acupuncture mean in practical terms? 

These are a few commonly used acupuncture points for potential allergy relief during Spring.

  • Large Intestine 11
    • This is found at the end of the crease you get when bending your arm
  • Stomach 36
    • This is located just below your kneecap and next to the shin
  • Lung 7
    • This is 2 fingers below your wrist and near the thumb

Acupuncture can be an amazing method for ensuring health during Spring, however to have the chance of maximising your potential results, diet is just as much a part of the equation as TCM remedies. Over the 3000 years of TCM operation the benefits of healthy food have become more detailed and implemented in their methods, leading to its importance today.

During spring, we should be eating foods that have upward energies, such as green, sprouting vegetables. But we also need foods that will provide the extra nourishment for the increased amounts of activity that accompany the season of spring. This is where sweeter foods play a vital role. These include foods such as:

  • fruits
  • nuts
  • yams
  • carrots
  • potatoes

These can provide the extra energy needed during Spring. But be careful not to overdo it. Too much of sweet foods can overload the body and make it sluggish.

Sweets should be countered with pungent foods. Pungent foods aid in the movement of Qi upwards and outwards through the process of perspiration. Pungent flavoured foods include:

  • scallions
  • onions
  • ginger
  • radishes
  • garlic
  • leeks
  • chives.

By following this advice, you will have a great chance of improving your immunity to allergies thus letting you truly enjoy the beauty of Spring this year.

September 2022

Preserving Fertility

Early Cultivation of Fertility is Intrinsic

With 15% of current couples experiencing infertility (World Health Organisation, 2020), it would be most beneficial to monitor what we can do for our fertility so that we can preserve effectiveness. In fact, caring for our fertility may not be as hard or time consuming as many think!

There are many different factors that can have an effect on both men’s and women’s fertilities. In TCM, however, infertility can be seen as a byproduct of Qi blockages and constricted blood flow through the body. By resolving these bodily disputes, you may find some utility in that your fertility should be healthier and last longer.

Ovarian Health 

Ovarian health can play a large factor in how fertile a woman is. Issues such as ovarian cysts can prevent healthy eggs from travelling through the Fallopian tube, ultimately leading to pain and infertility.

Acupuncture, however, offers a potential solution to these problems you may be having where it can improve ovulation by regulating both the nervous and neuroendocrine (hormone) system while increasing blood flow to the ovaries. With blood flow being one of the tenets of potential fertility problems, it is clear how important acupuncture can be for your health. The most common acupuncture points for ovarian health are:

Yin Tang - located between the eyebrows, place your thumbs together and rub untoward the scalp, or place your index finger there lightly and rub in a clockwise circle. This point will help calm your mind and quell anxiety.


Zigong + Ren 3 - at the center of the torso about one inch above the public pone, gently press into Ren 3 and then press at two points level with Ren 3 about 3 inches away from the center of the body (above the ovaries). These points help regulate the ovaries.


Sp 6 : Three Yin Crossing - the primary point used for most gynecological conditions: Do self-acupressure at Sp 6 by placing a pinky finger on the inside tip of the ankle bone (malleolus), the width of your hand from pinky to index finger is the distance to Sp 6 just off the edge of the tibia.

Oriental Medicine 

Using nutrition and diet to your advantage can have large positive effects on your fertility. The nutrients from food can be absorbed directly into the glands which allow for healthy fertility in everyday life, while not interrupting any of your normal processes. A few things that can be utilised in your nutrition include:

  • Avoid Eating Fast Food
    • Fast food packaging regularly contains phthalates which interrupt natural hormone processes
  • Eat eggs, seeds and healthy fats to nourish your ovaries and eggs
    • Fatty acids can help develop hormones
  • Avoid dampness
    • Damp-creating foods can create excess weight and fluid, potentially leading to ovarian cysts
  • Eat complete proteins to nourish your blood
    • By increasing iron levels, the health of your eggs and ovaries could improve
August 2022

Spring Cleaning

Spring Means Cleaning Your House and Cleansing your body!

Just as the sweet smells of newly blooming spring time flowers alleviates our sinuses, committing to a relaxing, beneficial TCM cleanse can potentially alleviate you of many problems.

 Dieting is an important part of our lives in every season, however there are certain adjustments we can make to improve our diet in Spring time. If you commit to these changes, the nutrients entering your body should go towards the liver and gallbladder. These two organs are heavily targeted for nourishment and cleansing for the springtime.

 The dieting for Spring means eliminating certain foods while increasing our intake of others. In terms of eliminating food types, aim to avoid:

  • Sugar
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • Processed foods

By limiting these four types, you will ensure that only the minimum amounts of harmful substances are entering the liver, gallbladder and bloodstream, thus allowing you to possibly heal and cleanse them.

The second part of this dieting plan is to consume more healthy foods. For this, general recommendations are:

  • Raw fruits
  • Raw vegetables
  • Natural fruit juices
  • Natural vegetable juices

Conforming to these dieting principles of eating fresh vegetables can be immensely beneficial to your health. Furthermore, the habits you form during Spring in regards to increasing vegetable intake can be extended out to other parts of the year for an overall much more balanced, long term diet.


Acupuncture is a remedial procedure steeped in Asian culture and heritage. When performed by professionals such as Dr Li’s TCM clinic, you might see yourself finding great results and relief in areas you didn’t know you could heal. In spring, it can be the most beneficial to focus on the liver and Gallbladder as this is where you Qi needs replenishing according to traditional TCM.

For targeting these areas, there are three common acupuncture points:

Liver 3: This point is located on the top of each foot, in the webbing between the big and second toes, where the tendons meet. Alternately pressing this point on each foot helps to regulate and refresh the liver, which is the most important organ involved in detoxification. 

Kidney 27: This point is located roughly 2 inches from midline in the depression just below the tip of each collarbone. Alternately pressing this point on each side flushes toxins from the kidney, another important organ involved in detoxification.

Large Intestine 4: This point is located on each hand in the webbing between the thumb and forefinger. Stimulating this point helps to flush toxins through the digestive tract and bowels.

August 2022

Liver Health in Spring

Liver Health is Intrinsic and Spring Provides a Time to Heal it!

Our livers form one of the most important organs in our body. In a scientific sense, the liver is a filter for our blood, used to expel waste products and keep our blood clean as it functions. This organ is so vital that our bodies will not function without it. In relation to traditional TCM, the liver oversees and facilitates the continuous flow of Qi throughout the body. A lack of liver health will lead to a stagnation in this Qi, thus not allowing you to operate at full capacity.

The Liver has many ways in which it can be healed. When utilised, you have a much higher chance of sustaining a healthily functioning liver that can properly process your blood while keeping your Qi circulating around your body. A few possible treatments are:

  • Food and diet
  • Acupuncture
  • Lifestyle changes

When used together, you run the best chance of improving your overall health!

Food and Diet

There are many foods that are good for the liver, and chances are that diets targeting other parts of your body could also indirectly, positively impact your liver. The main foods to seek, however, are:

  • Liver mustard greens
  • Goji berries
  • Beetroot
  • Broccoli
  • Sprouts

These foods directly target the liver and help add nutrients that can then be spread to the rest of the body, along with your Qi. These foods aim to help the liver by contributing important enzymes that the liver can utilise. The enzymes are what break down the contaminants in the blood and allow the nutrients to be extracted, thus potentially increasing the detoxification outcome every time the liver is used. 
Much like there are foods to eat during this winter, there are also some food types you can avoid to increase your chances of better liver health. These are:

  • Fried foods
  • Greasy foods
  • Dairy
  • Sugar
  • Caffeine
  • Highly acidic foods

All the food groups mentioned above don't provide much in the realm of nutrition for the liver and might end up causing more damage than healing in the long term.


The relation between acupuncture and the liver can be broad, however a frequently used acupressure point is known as the 'four gates'. Here, two main points are targeted:

  • Liver 3
  • Large Intestine 4

Together, when these pressure points are utilised, you might find immense long term changes in the passage of your Qi through the body, indicative of a much healthier liver.

Lifestyle Changes

The liver is not only susceptible to changes in eating and acupuncture, but can also respond positively to real time, physical changes in how you live. Moving and stretching are great way of incorporating your whole body and ensuring you're moving positively can lead to your liver moving your Qi around your body more readily.

When combined with a healthier diet and regular TCM appointments with Dr Li, you could be greatly surprised by the long term benefits you reap around with your liver!

July 2022

Looking After your Kidneys

As Winter Continues, Looking After our Joints is Paramount!

As we grow, our joints gradually deteriorate and become a source of prolonged pain. This is commonly known as arthralgia. The constant rubbing of cartilage over time leads to deficiencies in-between the joints. If not treated from an early starting point, this arthralgia will get progressively worse as you age, thus creating a situation where the pain is unbearable and any preventative measures are no longer viable.

Arthritis is a common cause of arthralgia and can be specifically targeted through traditional Chinese techniques. These include:

  • Acupuncture
  • Moxibustion
  • Remedial Massages

By utilising regular appointments with Dr Li’s TCM Clinic, you can start reaping the benefits of these methods to potentially alleviate your current pain while laying the foundation for future prevention and pain minimisation.


While acupuncture can help the joint pain in many different areas of the body, one of the most commonly targeted areas is the knees. Walking is a daily, repetitive action and thus our knee joints come under much abrasion and wear. This leads to joint pain later in life and the use of acupuncture can be a path in which to ease this pain.

  • Xixia
    • Xixia is an acupuncture point at the start of the lower knee
    • When pressure is applied, there can be relief for conditions such as knee arthralgia, knee arthritis and patellar ligament strains
  • Heding
    • Heding is an acupuncture point above the knee
    • By moving your natural Qi and Blood, it can bring relief to the soreness you may be feeling
  • Xiyan
    • Located in a depression section when the knee is flexed
    • Through gentle pressure, this acupuncture point can reduce swelling and reduce your joint pain


Moxibustion refers to the use of burning mugwort leaves to transfer heat and energy into the human body. When this is done, there can be pain relief in the specific areas where the moxibustion is applied. Typically the effectiveness of moxibustion is observed with the spine, however it can also provide immense relief for arthritis and arthralgia symptoms in other areas of the body.

Remedial Massages

Massages are something known well to almost everyone, yet they also have a deep-rooted connection with TCM practices. Dr Li’s TCM clinic is able to try and identify the specific areas where pain may be coming from and then uses techniques cultivated over years to massage these areas and bring probable relief. While these massages are typically short term fixes, booking regular, affordable appointments at Dr Li’s TCM Clinic can be a perfect way of managing your pain over time.

July 2022

Rejuvenating Your Kidneys

It's Time to Heal and Rejuvenate!

Chinese TCM teaches us the important lesson that our bodies are perpetually synchronised with each season. Winter is the perfect season to heal and rejuvenate. 

Our Kidneys serve an incredibly important part of how our bodies function. They act as filters that sift through our blood, cleaning out any impurities and ensuring the quality of our whole system. Every 24 hours, our kidneys filter through 200 litres of blood(National Kidney Foundation, 2022). As a result, it is clear to see why they are imperative to how we live and thrive.

Furthermore, one of the tenets of Traditional Chinese Medicine is how our blood cells move around the body, potentially tending to areas of pain or injury and trying to progressively heal them over time. If our kidneys aren't functioning properly, then this process might be compromised and the effectiveness of practices like acupuncture may be minimised. Even in everyday life, the impure blood caused by a non-functioning kidney can lead to lethargy and weakness as your body physically limits your function.

In the long term, not providing the relevant healing and attention for our kidneys can lead to chronic kidney disease, heart problems and even complete kidney failure. 

This is why TCM and its connection to winter is so valuable to our long term functioning. In TCM, the kidneys are seen to hold the body's "fundamental energies". In winter, these energies need rest and rejuvenation to function properly during the other seasons. This is seen in nature where animals such as bears hibernate over the winter, thus taking care of their organs. 

Dr Li's TCM teaches us the value of seeking rest and natural guidance to restore the energy in our bodies and our kidneys, and winter is the perfect season to commit to this way of nurturing your body.

Diet and Nutrition During Winter

As we have discussed, Winter is the perfect season for healing, and because our kidneys filter through blood, our nutritional intake matters very much. The best foods to eat are the ones that grow naturally in this season. These include:

  • squash
  • potatoes
  • root vegetables
  • winter greens
  • cabbage
  • carrots
  • apples
  • pears
  • mushrooms

These foods can be seamlessly incorporated into a daily diet that lets the nutrients reach the deepest parts of our bodies, hence potentially helping the kidneys to rid the blood of harmful toxins.

While these foods provide general help to our overall body, there are also foods that can directly target the kidneys. These are:

  • black beans
  • kidney beans
  • lamb
  • walnuts
  • chicken
  • dark, leafy greens
  • black sesame seeds

When these are cooked for longer periods of time, on lower heat and with less water, the warmth and nutrients should help give direct help to our kidneys for the perpetual task they are assigned to.

We should be glad that we are now in the cold days of winter, as it gives us a chance to reflect on what has been as we look forward to the chance to heal and rejuvenate. Through the use of these TCM techniques, you have the ultimate potential to ensure the longevity of your kidneys and lock in prosperity for your future.

June 2022

Avoiding Coughing and Congested Lungs

Minimise the Risk of Winter Symptoms

The winter of 2022 has proven to be one of the toughest yet. The risk of contracting symptoms such as coughing, lung congestion and respiratory tract infections is increasing as the temperature decreases. Our lungs operate and function in a manner that makes them imperative to our health and as a result, understanding the connection between getting a cold, feeling the difference in the throat and the symptoms of coughing is significant. Once that connection is established, it becomes clear why Dr Li's TCM clinic provides extensive protection and preventative measures for every client.

The Cold

The overarching problem with our current climate is catching the cold. The cold occurs when the upper respiratory tract is penetrated by the viral infection(URTI), thus triggering a symptomatic response from the body to fight off that virus. This occurrence in the nasal passageways, lungs and mouth are what amount to what you feel during the infection. Treatment only goes as far as minimising the symptoms of a cold, however, preventative measures are the most favourable thing you can do during the winter; something that can be done effectively with TCM.

The Throat

The throat is typically the first effect from a URTI and is a direct component of the cold. The National Library of medicine found in 2005 that two compounds creating by the body (bradykinin and prostaglandins) are the main culprits for a scratchy or sore throat. This symptom, however, is directly linked to the common cold as the compounds are there to kill the virus. This symptom cannot be fully cured, but rather managed and minimised, hence why the importance of TCM in attempting to prevent the cold and its symptoms in the first place is established.

The Cough 

The cough will generally be one of the most repetitive and noticeable symptoms and has a strong connection with the cold and the throat. A cough occurs due to stimulation of "sensory nerves in the larynx or below"(Eccles R. 2005). The link between the throat and the cough is that the inflammation that occurs in the throat can often spread to the larynx, thus triggering coughing in addition to a sore throat and sneezing. The worst thing about this is that a cough triggered by the cold can last over 3 weeks after initial infection, thus prolonging your symptoms. By utilising regular TCM, people can expect to avoid these unnecessary symptoms that all link with one another and instead enjoy winter with the existence of a healthy body.

The Value of TCM for preventing the above symptoms

TCM is a pathway anyone can take with Dr Li where they will find more value in naturally preventing viral infections rather than trying to minimise and cope with them once they contract them. While Dr Li specialises in many techniques and procedures, the most common and effective for cold, throat and cough treatment include acupuncture, cupping and herbal formulas.  

Acupuncture - When acupuncture is utilised regularly, the body is able to build its immunity over time. The increases in the body's blood cells from the treatment allows them to locate and attack foreign entities, thus minimising the chance of you contracting symptoms. Furthermore, with the link between the cold, throat and cough, acupuncture could prevent throat inflammation from reaching the larynx, hence reducing the chance of contracting a cough if you do get infected.

Cupping - Cupping is very similar to acupuncture in the result it obtains. By using negative pressure to suck skin into the cups, this procedure allows the bodies cells to create stronger receptors that can respond to an enzyme called heme oxygenase 1, thus allowing for quicker and more successful symptom prevention. 

Herbal Formulas - Dr Li's herbal formulas are all rounders when it comes to dealing with the cold, throat and coughs. They could be utilised for cold treatment. An example of this versatility is the licorice root(Gan Cao). It helps minimise colds and coughs by boosting the immune system's rapid response. Conversely, it even helps those who have the cold by getting rid of mucus in the respiratory tract, thus minimising the chance of getting coughs which are retained for weeks after the initial infection. 

May 2022

Cold and Flu Prevention

Do you want to avoid the Cold & Flu this Winter?

Cold and flu season is here! Harsher in the winter months, symptoms can include a runny nose, sneezing, congestion, coughing, sinus pressure, watery eyes, fatigue and muscle aches and pains. The cold is usually caused by a virus and unfortunately, conventional medicine has no real cure for this ailment. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a medical system that approaches ailments from a very different angle though. The body is protected by something known as the Wei Qi (defensive Qi, pronounced “way chee”). The Wei Qi is comparable to the immune system in conventional medicine and acts as the first line of defence when the body is under attack from external pathogens. If the Wei Qi is strong, then the body is capable of fighting off the cold virus.

Acupuncture for Cold Prevention
As mentioned above, TCM treats the common cold by first focusing on the immune system or Wei Qi. To prevent colds, Wei Qi needs to be strong. Regular acupuncture treatments can help boost the immune system while balancing hormones that can also play into how the body functions to fight off a cold.

Chinese Herbs and Formulas for Cold Prevention
 Another important component of Traditional Chinese Medicine is the use of herbs and herbal formulas. One useful herb is the astragalus root, also known as Huang Qi. This herb specifically boosts the Wei Qi and helps prevent infection. This formula combines Huang Qi with two other herbs to boost and strengthen Wei Qi.

Acupuncture Points for Cold Prevention: 

Large Intestine 11 This point can be found bilaterally at the outer end of the elbow crease created when the arm is flexed. Large intestine 11 is used to decrease inflammation throughout the body, while also stimulating immune function.
Stomach 36 - Known as the Longevity Point, it is located bilaterally on the lower outer leg. It can be found 1 finger-breadth from the border of the upper tibia and about 3 thumb-breadths below the lower border of the knee cap. This point boosts the energy of the body and stimulates the immune function.
CV 17 This point is located in the middle of the chest, between the two nipples and directly on top of the breast bone. Conception Vessel 17 stimulates the thymus gland which helps resist infection.


Migraine Relief


A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song. – Chinese Proverb

Who suffers from Migraines?

Migraines are ranked the 3rd most common disease in the world, affecting at least 12% of the world’s population. If you don’t suffer from them, then you most likely know someone who does. Women are 3 times more likely to suffer from them most likely due to hormonal fluctuations associated with the menstrual cycle and menopause. 

Migraine attacks can last up to 3 days with a couple more days on either end with the pre- migraine symptoms (thirst, fatigue, neck stiffness, especially on one side) and the post migraine ‘hangover’. So let’s see how we can help!

Acupuncture for Migraine Relief 

Conventional treatments most often include Triptans - which offer migraine relief within 2 hours of the attack in approximately 42% to 76% of patients. However, Triptans are contraindicated in cardiovascular disease, breastfeeding moms, and anyone under 18. There is also the risk of drug dependency. When it comes to prevention, between 17 and 29 per cent of patients discontinue preventative medication because of adverse side effects such as anxiety, vomiting and weakness.

This is where acupuncture steps in

With no major contraindications or side effects, it also boasts notable effectiveness for a condition desperately in need of more effective treatments. It was found that acupuncture is at least as effective as prophylactic drug therapy for migraine and it is safe, long-lasting and cost-effective. In the recent Cochrane review, with acupuncture, migraine frequency was reduced by 50% or more in up to 59% of the individuals tested.

Acupuncture is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory which describes energetic pathways throughout the body that can be rebalanced through the strategic application of fine needles at various points on the body. Studies looking to explain acupuncture’s effect on the body from a biomedical perspective have documented effects on parts of the nervous system that control cardiovascular and digestive functions. Research was also done using magnetic resonance spectroscopy to specifically investigate acupuncture’s effect on the nervous system in the treatment of migraines. Results suggested the possible involvement of recovery of neuronal mitochondrial function of the pain pathway.

In addition to acupuncture, TCM offers other modalities that can help in the treatment and prevention of migraines, such as cupping, gua sha and tui na (manual therapies), moxibustion (the burning of mugwort along points and channels), herbal medicine, and lifestyle guidance. 

While many of those who deal with painful and disabling migraine attacks will need some conventional therapies, acupuncture and the system of medicine it belongs to can offer much-needed support and improved outcomes. 

If you or someone you know suffers from migraines, don’t hesitate to see what acupuncture can do to help. Call us today! 

February 2022


Anti-Ageing Cosmetic Acupuncture

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can provide a safe, effective, natural and drug-free approach to reducing the signs of aging. A facial rejuvenation treatment using this ancient technique can improve muscle tone of the face and neck while addressing underlying imbalances that may have contributed to the aging process.

According to TCM, wrinkles begin internally from a constitutional imbalance and fundamental weakness of Qi (pronounced "chee"). Qi is the energy that circulates throughout the body within a series of pathways to different organs. The body's natural energy flow is what provides nourishment, support and energy to every cell, tissue, muscle and organ. 

 As we age, there are numerous factors that contribute to wrinkles, sagging skin and other signs of aging. Poor diet, digestion & circulation problems, and emotional or environmental stressors can all play a role in the aging of the skin.

Acupuncture tightens pores. improves muscle tone and dermal contraction while enhancing and increasing the elasticity of the skin. It could reduce signs of aging by strengthening and stimulating the body's energy circulation, especially those of the face. Through a succession of treatments, you could look and feel more energetic, vibrant, and healthy.

Acupuncture treatments may be combined with herbal supplements, exercise and acupressure in order to maximize results.

Facial rejuvenation with acupuncture and TCM is a natural, virtually painless, and  non-surgical method to minimise the signs of aging. Before using drugs or surgery to improve appearance, consider acupuncture. It can help your whole body to look and feel younger.

Get Acupuncture

December 2021

It’s almost that time of year again. The time of year when everybody makes promises to themselves known as New Year’s resolutions. But how many actually keep and achieve those resolutions after January? The statistics aren’t very promising. According to, only about eight percent of the people who actually make New Year’s resolutions, carry them to fruition. Not too good. But there is a way to help stay on track with the resolutions. Yes, acupuncture could help with achieving the new goals we set for ourselves.

For many people, losing weight is the top New Year’s resolution. So we join a gym, start dieting, exercising and by the end of January, most have given up. Why? It’s too hard. Or is it? Acupuncture has been shown to contirbute in many areas when it comes to losing weight. First off, it could help curb cravings. For many, this is huge. Acupuncture can also might help balance hormones, which can lead people to eating more than they should and a lot of the things they shouldn’t, like sugary treats. Adding regular acupuncture treatments to proper diet and exercise could  greatly increase the likelihood the weight could slowly come off, which is exactly how it should be approached.

It’s almost that time of year again. The time of year when everybody makes promises to themselves known as New Year’s resolutions. But how many actually keep and achieve those resolutions after January? The statistics aren’t very promising. According to, only about eight percent of the people who actually make New Year’s resolutions, carry them to fruition. Not too good. But there is a way to help stay on track with the resolutions. Yes, acupuncture could help with achieving the new goals we set for ourselves.

For many people, losing weight is the top New Year’s resolution. So we join a gym, start dieting, exercising and by the end of January, most have given up. Why? It’s too hard. Or is it? Acupuncture has been shown to contirbute in many areas when it comes to losing weight. First off, it could help curb cravings. For many, this is huge. Acupuncture can also might help balance hormones, which can lead people to eating more than they should and a lot of the things they shouldn’t, like sugary treats. Adding regular acupuncture treatments to proper diet and exercise could  greatly increase the likelihood the weight could slowly come off, which is exactly how it should be approached.

Three Acupuncture Points for the New Year

The following three acupuncture points are perfect for starting the New Year off on the right foot. These acupuncture points are great for summer  months and will help you reach your resolutions by providing that extra boost of Qi you need.

This point is located bilaterally, on either side of the spine, it can be found one and a half thumb-breadths from the lower border of the second lumbar vertebra. This point is frequently used in the winter to help with deafness, dizziness, knee pain, low back pain and urinary issues.

GV 14 is a very important point. GV 14 is located below the seventh cervical vertebra.
The defense layers of our skin are strengthened when you utilize the point GV 14. This is due to the fact this point activates a significant amount of blood and Qi circulation, which could  provide the increase in strength.
This point is used to help to provide protection from colds, flu and seasonal- related sickness.

Located bilaterally on the outer lower leg, this point can be found one finger-breadth from the border of the upper tibia and about three thumb-breadths below the lower border of the knee cap. St 36 is known as the longevity point in TCM. Some issues this point could help to possibly resolve are fatigue, dizziness and knee pain.

Acupuncture and Herbs for Sleep


The digital stimulation we experience these days is overwhelming; This past year was absolutely no exception. In 2020, virtual meetings and classes took over our homes, near constant attention to news updates became a necessary evil, and online social media became the primary means for community. Most all of us always digitally connected, therefore stimulated by artificial lighting. It’s no wonder why nearly 60 million Americans experience insomnia and other sleep-related problems daily (and this statistic was taken before the Covid-19 global crisis). With these numbers, understand that if you are suffering from insomnia or unable to get a good night’s rest, you are absolutely not alone. Many people turn to over-the-counter (OTC) sleeping aids and even stronger prescription medication without first considering a more natural alternative. If you are one of those people, consider this: Sleeping pills including Benadryl, Aleve PM (aka Diphenhydramine), and Unisom (aka Doxylamine succinate) all contain antihistamines. Unfortunately, this among other adverse reactions to antihistamines, our bodies are able to develop a tolerance to the consequent sedative effects quite quickly.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (or TCM) is a centuries-old practice that offers natural, potential treatments for insomnia.

Consider herbs for insomnia relief:

Chamomile: Chamomile tea is a great choice for anyone before bedtime. Chamomile is a gentle herb with calming effects and has shown in numerous studies to promote relaxation. Chamomile has a light flavor making it easy to combine with other nighttime herbs.
Chrysanthemum: Chrysanthemum tea is very popular in East and Southeast Asia, and has been for centuries. Both for it’s flavor and medicinal effects. Chrysanthemum tea is known to help cleanse the liver. When the liver is not working properly, it can cause insomnia, irritability, and dizziness. This tea is often combined with honeysuckle and monkfruit.

Ginseng: Ginseng tea is used for several health benefits. It is commonly used to help fatigue, dry mouth, and shortness of breath. Although ginseng is typically known as a stimulant, the root works by normalizing your body’s stress levels. When taken during the day, studies have shown that it can possibly help increase the quality of sleep at night.

Schisandra: Schisandra tea can be found at most health stores and is known to promote lung and kidney function. It can also improve liver function by stimulating enzymes in the liver to promote cell growth. Because of this, it is a great tea to help insomnia and fatigue.

Instead of depending on sleeping pills, consider Chinese herbs. These herbs may help with insomnia and increase your quality of sleep. Many of these herbs can be easily found in your local grocery store, or better yet prescribed by a TCM Practitioner.

Melatonin: Melatonin is a hormone produced in the brain as a response to darkness. Melatonin is heavily involved in the management of the circadian rhythms or the “sleep-wake” cycle. Melatonin supplements may help you fall asleep faster and improve the quality of sleep.

Valerian Root: Valerian is often combined with hops and lemon balm and may be a very effective treatment for insomnia; however more research is needed as it has shown to interact with some medications.

A TCM Perscription: There are a variety of reasons I recommend a full in-person diagnostic evaluation to address your health concerns. One of the benefits to the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine is the adaptability of therapies including herbal prescriptions. Herbal remedies are often prescribed based on the individual’s patterns of disharmony.

Acupuncture for Weight Loss


It seems that everybody is always looking for a quick fix or the easiest way out. That is definitely no different when it comes to weight loss. Think about the number of fad diets that have come and gone over the past decade. And the outcome is always the same, weight is lost but it always comes back, sometimes worse than before the diet began. Why? Because a diet is not the answer. Lifestyle changes are what is needed when somebody wants to lose weight. This is where a system like Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) becomes a good choice for those who truly want or need to lose weight and keep it off.

According to TCM, excess weight is rooted in an imbalance within the body caused by the malfunctioning of the liver and spleen organ systems and energetic meridians. In TCM theory, the spleen is responsible for proper functioning of the digestive system. When the spleen is functioning properly, the food we eat is transformed into Qi (pronounced “chee”).

Qi is the vital substance of life and when there is disharmony in the spleen, there will be symptoms such as fatigue, slow metabolism, water retention, feelings of heaviness and loose stools. The liver system is supposed to keep the body’s Qi and blood flowing and running smoothly. Unfortunately, our fast-paced modern lifestyle and chronic stress levels tend to negatively impact the liver’s ability to function properly. Because the liver and spleen work in conjunction, when one isn’t functioning properly, neither is the other. This leads to a poorly functioning digestive system that decreases metabolism and can trigger cravings.

The acupuncture points, foods and herbal supplements used in TCM are specifically chosen to assist with weight loss and influence the Qi of the spleen and liver systems, thus treating the root imbalances causing the weight gain to begin with. Physically, TCM has been shown to have an effect on the function of the nervous system, the endocrine system, the digestive system, food cravings and metabolism. All of these things help to maximize the absorption of nutrients, energize the body, control overeating, suppress the appetite and reduce anxiety.

Unlike most fad diets, acupuncture treatments are catered and customized to the needs of the individual. Acupuncture points can be used to affect the overall well-being of the patient with the objective of increasing circulation and calming the nervous system. Also, specific points can be incorporated to help with different symptoms as they arise. Auricular or ear acupuncture points have been found to be particularly effective for helping with weight loss.

Another way TCM differs from fad diets in treating weight loss is that TCM is a total health program. Not only are acupuncture treatments used, but other modalities such as herbal formulas, energetically healing foods, abdominal massage, exercise and meditation are usually suggested and recommended to the patient. This ensures those who utilize TCM to lose weight usually have a better chance of keeping it off.

If you’re trying to lose weight, why not consider acupuncture and TCM as your method of choice? It is much less radical than a fad diet and the outcomes are usually better and more permanent. To find out more, contact your local licensed acupuncturist.

3 Sitting Exercises for Weight Loss

Whether we are at the office, in the car or at home, we spend much of our day sitting down. So much time in fact that it can impact how active we are throughout the remainder of our day. Because of the amount of sitting we do, it can be hard to find times to be active and burn calories. If you still want to lose weight, but can’t avoid the huge amount of sitting throughout your day, check out these three sitting exercises that promote healthy weight loss.

1) Replace your chair
This is a very easy way to get in some key exercise while you are sitting at work. Take your old office chair and replace it with an exercise ball. More specifically, a stability ball. A stability ball will help you tighten and strengthen various parts of your body, including your core, leg and back muscles. It has been proven that when you do this you can burn up to an extra 100 calories a day! Set healthy reminders for yourself This is a simple practice that can greatly improve your health, quality of life and weight.

2) Set healthy reminders for yourself
This is a simple practice that can greatly improve your health, quality of life and weight. If you set healthy reminders for yourself throughout the day while at work you can avoid staying stagnant and eating potentially unhealthy foods. For example, set reminders on your phone to tell yourself to get up and walk around the office for a few minutes, or to walk up and down a set of stairs. In addition, you can set reminders telling yourself what snacks you should eat during the work day, or what healthy option you should have during your lunch break.

3) Drink lots of water
Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate. Keeping yourself properly hydrated is very important. And by doing this you can even help yourself lose weight without getting up and impacting your work day. Drinking lots of water ensures that your metabolism and other bodily functions can work to the best of their ability. Keeping your metabolism hydrated and fully operational helps reduce your calorie intake.

Feng Shui Basics

September 2021

You might have heard of Feng Shui referred to in the Western world as a tradition that’s similar to interior design. However, in Chinese
culture, Feng shui is understood as a far more complex and rich system. It is a practice intended to create harmony in our interior space, and relates to our personal energy, the natural world, and our environment.

The ultimate goal of feng shui is to create energized and balanced spaces by drawing in positive energy. It draws on a system of interactions and laws about how humans perceive our physical environment. The art of ffeng shui governs spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy or Qi (pronounced “chee”).

The terms Feng (meaning wind) and Shui (meaning water) in Chinese tradition are the two natural elements free to move and circulate everywhere on earth. They are also considered to be the two most basic elements required for human life: water and air. The combination of wind and water determines our climate, and therefore food supply. These two free-flowing elemental qualities have profound effects on individuals and society as they affect our mood, lifestyle, energy, and health.

Derived from the Taoist philosophy and seen throughout Traditional Chinese Medicine, feng shui also believes in the use of the “5 Element System.” These elements interact with one another constantly, creating balance and harmony or inciting chaos. Each element is associated with specific qualities, colors, and shapes that can then be used to influence qualities in your life and home.

The environment where you spend most of your time during the day has a massive impact on your emotional and physical health. If you are someone who sits at a desk each day, or maybe you are still working from home, consider these 4 simple tips to bring more life and energy back into your personal and professional spaces.

1) Organize and de-clutter. Only leave the items you really need out on your desk to give your desk and yourself some room to breathe.

2) Stay away from poison arrows. Angled furniture creates what is called poison arrows, the attacking energy in feng shui that can deplete and weaken your energy. Reposition your furniture so there are no sharp angles pointing at you while you work. You can also place a plant or another item in front of the sharp corners to neutralize this bad energy.

3) Create nourishing energy in your working space with high-energy images. Hang art or photos that bring you happy, uplifting memories to nourish your energy while working.

4) Energize your space with plants. Plants bring energy from nature into your space and can also purify the air, depending on the species. We suggest spider plants to help purify the air.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

August 2021

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a complex disorder in which the intestines lose their ability to efficiently move their contents. The main symptoms of IBS are abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and/or constipation. Less common symptoms may include headaches, fatigue, depression, and anxiety. Symptoms may be triggered by stress, diet, emotional factors, hormone levels, and medications.

Let’s talk acupuncture. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine can offer a safe, effective, natural and drug-free way to address IBS. This holistic healthcare system looks at the body differently than Western medicine. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the body is like a garden that must be cultivated and maintained in order to grow strong and remain healthy. Good health happens when all of the organs and meridian systems are balanced and working together.

How does your garden grow? According to Chinese medical theories, there are several possible causes for IBS. One of these is an imbalance of the spleen. The spleen is the organ in charge of digestion and assimilation of foods and liquids. One of the main functions of the spleen is to aid in the production of spleen Qi. Spleen Qi is the energy that provides power and nourishment for the entire body.

Another function of the spleen is to produce blood from the food it breaks down and to convert it into usable energy to power your body. If your spleen isn't properly cared for, the body's energy levels will not be suppoi1ed and illness may occur.

The spleen is easily affected and weakened by poor eating habits and diet, antibiotics, excessive worry, or a weak constitution. When a weakened spleen cannot metabolize or process food efficiently, “dampness" appears in the body. Dampness occurs when rotting, undigested food sits in the gut, causing a variety of symptoms. If dampness “rises’ to your head, you may experience headaches. a ‘foggy" feeling and an inability to concentrate. Over time, dampness can lead to bloating. fullness and loose stools.

Another possible scenario is an imbalance in the liver. According to Chinese medicine, the liver is associated with emotional health. Stress and anger directly influence the function of your liver.

Alcohol, drugs and medications. or a poor diet further compromise its function. When this happens, your liver energy overflows, in a figurative sense. and attacks the spleen. If your spleen is already weakened. it can be easily overcome. The result can be stress-induced IBS.

If your liver is compromised, you may experience alternating diarrhea and constipation, as well as bloating, gas. headaches, and dull pain. In this case, your liver may be the root of the problem and your spleen the secondary problem.

An imbalance in kidney yang could also cause IBS symptoms. Kidney yang is energy that provides warmth for your body. This energy warms up your spleen to aid in the digestion and breakdown of food. If your kidney energies are compromised, you may experience early morning diarrhea and possibly bladder incontinence, cold limbs, weak knees, and a sore back.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine can create a clear picture of the root imbalance(s) that lead to IBS symptoms. When you meet with your practitioner, he or she will determine what organ and meridian systems are contributing to your IBS. They may also suggest adjunct therapies such as herbs, dietary changes, breathing techniques, and exercises in order to maximize your healing.

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine can provide a safe, natural, drug-free and effective way to address IBS.

Pain & Arthritis

July 2021

Here are some tips that you can use to help balance and support your health during this time. Please feel free to call us if you have further questions or concerns.

Lifestyle and Dietary Instructions

Diet plays a crucial role in avoiding and controlling arthritis. Eating a balanced, varied diet provides the vitamins and minerals your body needs to function optimally. And getting enough of them through your diet helps ease the pain of arthritis and keep your joints healthy.
Another thing you can do is avoid “damp” foods. According to Chinese Medicine, foods that are considered “damp” are dairy products and greasy/spicy foods. All of these can exacerbate painful, arthritic conditions such as swelling and lack of mobility in joints.

Below are a few pointers that can help you through this time:
• Vitamin C and vitamin D might help prevent bone and cartilage destruction. These can be especially useful with arthritic and knee/joint problems.
• If you don’t think that you are getting all the vitamins you need, try taking a multi-vitamin.
• Herbs such as ginger and turmeric act as natural anti-inflammatories and may be helpful for you. Steep for 10 to 15 minutes, then strain and add honey to taste.
• Foods such as wild Alaskan salmon, kelp, broccoli, brussel sprouts, blueberries and garlic, have all shown to help reduce inflammation.
• Acupuncture can certainly help with arthritis. Give us a call to see if we may be able to help.

Acupressure Points

Rubbing acupuncture points with your finger for 30 - 60 seconds can stimulate and promote the circulation of Qi within your own body, restoring health and well-being.

Liver 3 (LV 3): On the top of the foot, in the depression between where the first and second metatarsal bones meet. Functions: Used for headaches, painful and/or blurry eyes, depression, inflammation and pain of toes, ankle, and lower leg. DO NOT USE DURING PREGNANCY.

Large Intestine 4 (LI 4): On the back of the hand between the thumb and first finger. In the fleshy part of the hand. Functions: Known as “The Master Pain Elimination” point, it can address pain in many parts of the body, inflammation and pain of hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder. DO NOT USE DURING PREGNANCY. 

Meridian Exercise for Back & Hip Pain Forward Bend Exercise

1) Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Keep your knees slightly bent and not locked. If this causes any discomfort, you can sit on a folded blanket and bend your knees slightly out to the side.

2) With chin slightly tucked, slowly stretch forward, reaching your hands toward your toes. If you cannot touch your toes, reach for your knees, shins or ankles. Remember to relax your head as you reach down.

3) As you breathe in, focus your breath along your back and spine. Expanding outwards with each inhalation and imagining that you are expanding your back like a big balloon. As you exhale, allow your body to relax deeper into the stretch.
4) Hold this position for a few breaths.

1) Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Keep your heels together and knees straight.

2) Take a deep breath in, as you exhale, bend your upper body forward from the hips. Grab your feet if you can; if not, grab your knees or ankles.

3) Relax your neck, allowing your head to hang down.

4) Push your left hip and left heel forward, away from you, and pull your right hip and right heel closer to you.

5) As you push forward with your left foot, reach forward with your extended left arm.

6) Rhythmically alternate the synchronized leg and arm movements for each side.

Please Note: There are numerous acupuncture points to potentially help alleviate painful and arthritic conditions. I would suggest you schedule a comprehensive exam so I can best determine which ones may best suit your specific condition.

It is all about knowledge and skills

June 2021
Yin Tang – Heart - Kidney – Stomach - Liver

To the men reading this, you may experience at some point, certain health conditions that are more prominent in men than women. However, the current times that are filled with stress, anxiety, and depression, has escalated at a much higher level than ever before. Luckily, afflictions such as urinary issues, prostate problems, high blood and stress and depression can all be treated effectively with the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Something like acupuncture can be a valuable asset in tending to sickness and physical unease, as it is safe and natural modality of TCM. It’s specific targeting of the endocrine system and nervous system, which operate in conjunction to maintain body function, can reduce the heart rate, and enable a calm, tranquil state in a matter of seconds, to alleviate the stress someone may feel on a day-to-day basis.

TCM’s history with treating fertility, also carried over to men’s treatment of libido or degrading sexual vitality, due to improperly balanced hormonal structure, created by long hours at work and lack of sleep. Using the simple routinely method of acupressure, can greatly affect your day-to-day life and overall balance, allowing men to feel more alleviated and alive.

Yin Tang: Located at the midway between the inner ends of the eyebrows, Yin Tang can treat anxiety and insomnia, eye and nasal issues and headaches.

Heart 7: In the underside of the wrist crease on the outer end, at the depression to the outer side of the tendon. This point can calm the min and heart, to potentially benefit stress and anger.

Kidney 3: At the depression between the tip of the medial malleolus and the Achilles tendon. Can strengthen the lower back and knees.

Stomach 36: found at the bilaterally on the lower outer leg, 1 finger breadth from the border of the upper tibia, and 3 thumb lengths below the border of the kneecap; known as the longevity point, it boosts the energy of the body, assisting in stimulating the immune function.

Liver 3: Located at the top of the in the depression between the first and second toe. Applying pressure to the metatarsal bones, helps stagnant blood move freely, as stagnant blood is traditionally a common factor of depression. This is used quite frequently in TCM to re-establish flow within the body.

Why am I so cold?

May 2021

Everyone feels cold sometimes, but some people are perpetually chilled to a point where it interferes with their lives. 

From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, there are two different kinds of cold in the body: full cold and empty cold. Full cold refers to a condition where there is an excess of cold-type energy in the body leading to a feeling of cold, and most likely other health problems, as well. The other kind of cold is empty cold. This means there is not an abundance of cold energy but rather a weakness of the warm fiery energy. When there isn’t enough warmth in the body, you will feel cold – not because the cold is so strong, but because you don’t have enough fire to balance it out.

Full cold

As mentioned, a full cold condition refers to an over-abundance of cold type energy in the body. This is often an acute case and may relate to being outside on cold weather, or exposing a certain area of your body to cold water, cold wind or cold weather. Symptoms really depend on the location of the cold in the body.

For instance, you might feel really cold when you are coming down with a cold virus. From a TCM perspective, this is cold being trapped under the skin or in certain channels on the back of the neck. Other associated symptoms may be a stiff neck, a runny nose or an occipital headache.

Full cold can also lodge itself in the digestive system – this may happen following a meal of cold food, drinking cold beverages in a cold environment or following exposure to very cold temperatures. Full cold in the digestive system can lead to a feeling of cold, as well as painful cramping, diarrhea or loose stools and pain in the abdomen.

Another common site of a full-cold condition is the uterus. This can be from exposure to cold temperatures such as swimming in cold water or sitting on a cold surface. Certain gynecological procedures can also introduce cold into the uterus. This type of cold manifests as a feeling of cold, particularly with the period and very painful cramping before and during the period. There will likely also be clots and possible problems with fertility.

All of these full-cold conditions can be avoided by limiting exposure to cold environments and cold foods. Also introducing heat internally through teas, soups and warming herbs can help.
Ask Dr Li for her teas selections - spacialy made for your individual needs.

Empty cold

In TCM, health is a state of balance between yin and yang. Yin refers to the cool, watery, passive parts of our physiology, whereas yang refers to the hot, fiery, active parts. When the yang energy is weakened, there isn’t enough fire to balance out the cool and watery yin. This leads to a pervasive feeling of cold that is hard to shake, even with lots of blankets and warm drinks. This is someone who always feels chilled, no matter what. There may be other symptoms, as well, such as loose stools, a lack of energy or motivation, wanting to sleep all the time or fluid accumulation. Yang deficiency cold often requires use of herbal medicine, acupuncture, and moxa to treat appropriately.

While these are the main reasons for feeling cold, there are two other energetic imbalances that can also lead to feeling cold – Qi stagnation and blood deficiency.  When Qi is stuck, circulation is impaired and heat can’t get to our extremities effectively. This kind of cold often manifests as very cold hands and feet. It can be helped by regular exercise, reducing stress and limiting heavy foods. A weakness in the blood energy of the body leads to a low-grade constant feeling of cold less severe than a yang deficiency cold, but still pervasive and consistent. It can be helped with getting enough sleep, reducing stressors and eating a well-balanced diet of blood-nourishing foods.

Liver and the Gallbladder

April 2021

Now, it is important to note that from a Chinese Medicine perspective, when we talk about a particular organ, such as the liver or gallbladder, we are not talking about the physical organ that sits inside your body. Rather, we are talking about a complex system of energy that flows within particular pathways and has a particular physiological function.

The gallbladder is one of the most commonly treated yang organ energetic systems we treat with acupuncture. Each system in Chinese medicine is designated as either yin or yang. Very generally speaking, the yin organ systems store vital substances, whereas yang organ systems fill and empty themselves more dynamically. Each yin organ system is paired with a yang organ system and vice versa. In modern acupuncture practice, we as acupuncturists speak a lot of the yin organs, but the yang systems are very important too.

In Chinese Medicine, one of the essential functions of the gallbladder system is to control the flow of bile. This is its yang organ function of filling and emptying. Each yang organ is paired with a yin organ - the gallbladder is paired with the liver. The liver and gallbladder work together on many physiological functions, including bile production and excretion.

The gallbladder system controls the sinews (or ligaments and tendons.) Thus, points on the gallbladder meridian are often treated for any sort of soft tissue injuries, such as tendonitis, muscle sprains, strains, and tendon tears. The gallbladder meridian itself runs along the sides of the body - making it doubly useful for musculoskeletal pain affecting the neck, shoulders, ribs, lateral abdominals, hips, IT Bands, knees, shins, and ankles.
On a mental-emotional level, the gallbladder system is related to decisiveness and courage. A strong gallbladder gives us the ability to make decisions, and the courage to see them through. A weak gallbladder leads to lots of second-guessing, timidity, and fearfulness.

On both a physical and a mental/emotional level, the gallbladder is about stability and the boundaries of self. Physically, the gallbladder meridian traverses the borders of our body - when its function is impaired, musculoskeletal problems easily arise and our balance and equilibrium are weakened. Emotionally, a weak gallbladder means our sense of self is endangered - we are unable to fight for what we believe in, we waver in our opinions and we are apprehensive with our interactions with the outer world.

Nourishing the Liver and Gallbladder with Food

Luckily thanks to the gallbladder’s close relationship with the liver, any liver nourishing foods will benefit the gallbladder as well, such as liver, mustard greens, goji berries, beets, broccoli, and sprouts. Because the gallbladder is closely tied to digestive function through bile production, when trying to balance the gallbladder energy, it is important to limit fried and greasy foods, as well as dairy, sugar, caffeine, or highly acidic foods.

Lifestyle Adaptations for Liver and Gallbladder Health

Move. Of all the systems in the body, the gallbladder system perhaps craves movement the most. The gallbladder meridian will become cranky and painful with a lack of movement. So do your best to incorporate some sort of exercise each day.

Stretch! Stretching enlivens the connective tissue, which the gallbladder system controls. Take a yoga class, or devote some extra time to stretching post workout. In particular, try to incorporate stretches that get to the sides of your body, as this is gallbladder meridian territory.
Work out the muscle knots. Use massage, acupuncture, or foam rolling to break up adhesions in the connective tissue of the IT Bands, neck, and shoulders or back. Physically, this will help you to recover more quickly after exercise and help alleviate pain and tension. Emotionally, it may also let you free from old emotions, as emotions are often stored in the body in the form of tension, knots, and pain. Releasing those knots, particularly along the gallbladder meridian, can help you find strength and flexibility you didn’t know you had.

Accupressure Points for Gallbladder Health

Acupuncture is not just for allergies

March 2021

Relieving pain is what acupuncture is most frequently used for. The pain associated with allergies can lower individuals’ quality of life. But regular acupuncture treatments may help resolve many ailments and allow people to be more active and happier.

REASONS to get Acupuncture for Allergies

Allergies, seasonal or otherwise, are a significant health issue, currently affecting more than four million Australians. Unfortunately, this statistic has only been on the rise in the past decades.
One reason for this increase is the change in our agricultural practices over the past 40 years – for example, the growth of genetically modified foods and the use of excessive amounts of pesticides. Our bodies are just not accustomed to dealing with these additives.
We are also being over-medicated with antibiotics, which is commonly used in the livestock we eat and what we are being prescribed by our doctors. Our immune systems just can’t keep up.
Unless we proactively seek to understand and research the root causes of allergens and treatment options, the population affected by allergies will only continue to increase in prevalence.

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers a solution to seasonal allergies and relief from everyday allergies. Here are 5 very good reasons why you should consider booking with us:

A natural approach: TCM attacks allergies differently to Western Medicine. When using TCM to treat allergies, practitioners focus heavily on the concept of Wei Qi (pronounced “Way chee”) which is similar to the immune system in Western medicine. Wei Qi protects the body against foreign materials that can lead to inflammation and eventually allergies. People with lower Wei Qi are more susceptible to allergies and frequent colds. Acupuncture helps to boost the Wei Qi, making it more difficult for allergens to attack the body. This is one of the best reasons to get regular acupuncture treatments if you suffer from allergies of any kind.

Customized to be effective: TCM looks at the body as a whole and uses an elemental system to determine where there are excesses and deficiencies in each person. As treatments are completely customized to each patient, TCM is much more effective than one-size-fits-all over-the-counter medications.

Long Term Solution: The aforementioned points have shown in studies to have benefits for people in the long term because TCM helps bring the body back into balance.

Save Money: People can spend a fortune on over-the-counter allergy medications, most of which only give minimal relief and have side effects like drowsiness and immune system suppression. TCM could provide relief without adverse side effects and could be more cost effective.

Immediacy in Outcomes: Many people who receive acupuncture treatments report they notice changes immediately. When the body’s flow of energy becomes blocked due to inflammation caused by allergies, symptoms will flare back up. Acupuncture guides the body to re-establish this flow of energy, helping alleviate allergy symptoms. Acupuncture has been shown to decrease heat associated with allergies. This can manifest as a sore throat, swollen sinuses and red eyes, and various pains around the body and head. There are specific acupressure points on the body that can almost instantaneously relieve these symptoms.

Accupunture for Fatigue


Acupuncture is used to balance the energy within the body. Specifically, acupuncture is used to remove blockages and to improve blood circulation and oxygenation to the cells, all of which can be contributing factors to fatigue. Studies show acupuncture could increase serotonin levels, which help with sleep. Acupuncture improves mood, lessens pain and boosts the immune system, all of which are factors that can affect a person’s energy levels.

The points to look for:
Yin Tang - Yin Tang is located directly between the inner edges of the eyebrows. It is a reflex point of the pituitary gland. Yin Tang

calms the mind and relaxes the body by helping control hormone secretions, which can aid in more peaceful sleep.
Governor Vessel (GV) 20 - There’s a tender spot on the top of your head, also called DU20, right at the vertex. To find it, bring your thumbs behind your ears with the palms facing out (making a “moose head” type shape) and bring your fingers together. Where your index fingers meet is near DU20. Feel around for a tender spot, and you’ve found it.
Stomach (ST) 36 This point is located bilaterally on the outer side of the lower leg, about 4 finger-widths from the lower border of the patella or knee cap. This point is considered an overall energy and immune-boosting point.

NUTRITION for Fatigue

When it comes to fatigue, nutrition for the spleen, liver and kidneys is particularly crucial. The kidneys are the source of our vital essence. The liver and spleen help produce blood and vital energy that sustains the body. Foods like black beans, kidney beans, asparagus, plums, blueberries and blackberries are all beneficial for strengthening the kidneys. Dark leafy greens like spinach and kale are good for building blood and energy via the liver and spleen. Sweet potatoes, squash, pumpkin, quinoa and oats are all good for tonifying the spleen. Also, healthy oils and fats such as avocado, salmon and coconut oil
can be very beneficial.
 Get in touch with us to learn more! 

Dr Li's clinic prescribes customised teas based on individual needs teas. The tea used for fatigue is helpful for increasing energy within the kidney and liver energetic pathways. This formula might increase energy by clearing out excess phlegm and dampness in the body.

Massages and Sleep

January 2021

Get Better Sleep with MASSAGES and TCM

TCM has been practiced for more than five thousand years in China and is an alternative to Western medicine as a result of the accumulation of a different history and culture. From the Chinese Medicine viewpoint, insomnia and other sleep disorders are the effect of an imbalance in Qi, known as energy.

More about Qi

The Qi flows in the meridian network, which are 12 paths in our whole body-system, that includes the lungs, heart, liver, stomach and more. The meridian system can be divided into two groups, which are yin and yang. The first six principal meridians are yin and the other six are yang. These energies in our bodies are always changing, so is yin dominating at the night and yang takes over the day. According to the Traditional Chinese Medicine, insomnia is a lack of yin, while oversleeping is a yang deficiency.

Therefore, TCM aims to balance yin and yang and is a highly evolved medicinal technique in that it approaches healthcare on the foundation of the meridian system. Dr Li’s TCM clinic specializes in acupuncture, which is often used to alleviate symptoms of insomnia, like stress and anxiety which are part of sleep disorders.

When the body is in balance, the Qi travels smoothly through the channels in a specific direction. But sometimes when the Qi is out of balance, it will stagnate or gather in particular points along the meridians. These are the points where Dr Li places the needles to move, disperse or re-route the Qi thus restoring balance.

Not only does the clinic offer acupuncture, Dr Li provides incredible  massages, which are also helpful for your Qi flow. Massaging encourages the blood circulation in your whole body. For example, a foot massage can bring miracles to your body, because the blood can flow easier away from an overstimulated brain. That means it helps in relieving stress and other disorders such as depression.

Massages have many physiological and psychological advantages.

Another area of TMC is the traditional herbal medicine, which comes in many forms such as raw herbs, powder, capsules or tablets. Raw herbs may be the natural help you’ve searched for because your practitioner can combine a variety of herbs specific to your condition. Raw herbs require special preparation, similar to making tea or soup. Contact Dr Li today to book a consultation and start your journey to a better, rested and healthier lifestyle.

Acupuncture for Allergies

December 2020

Spring is on it's way out but your allergies won't take the hint?

Still suffering from a runny nose, sneezing, itchy watery eyes...also known as symptoms of allergies? Allergies can really be a pain.

What if there were ways to help combat allergies without the harsh side effects of medications, an approach that gets to the root of the problem instead of simply masking the symptoms? Look no further than Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offer a safe, holistic approach to allergies that could end up saving you money in the long term. Western medicine sees seasonal allergies as a hypersensitive reaction that occurs when antibodies interact with airborne particles such as pollen. Interestingly, the places in the body where these antibodies are produced align with the energy meridians most strongly connected to allergic reactions in TCM. Both Western medicine and TCM map these sensitivity points onto the gastrointestinal tract and the spleen. Both schools of thought also connect inflammatory foods such as sugar with allergy flare-ups. Through TCM, patients could find allergy relief through a holistic wellness plan that doesn’t necessitate a reliance on synthetic medications

ACUPUNCTURE for Allergies

Acupuncture helps build or tonify the energy within the respiratory system and the immune system. This energy is called Qi (pronounced “chee”). When lung Qi and the Wei Qi (aka the immune system) are strong and the body is balanced, then allergies rarely become an issue. Acupuncture stimulates blood flow, which carries oxygen to every cell in the body. The increased blood flow boosts the immune system, dilates the bronchioles and produces anti-inflammatory agents that help improve breathing by relaxing the muscles.

The points to look for....

Large intestine 20 This point is located bilaterally on the face, on either side of the nose, in the middle of the nasolabial groove. Large intestine 20 is used to open nasal passages and clear heat from the sinuses.
Lung 5 This point is located at the end of the outer crease of the elbow, just to the outside of the tendon. This point opens up the airways and the throat, while reducing wheezing.
Ren (CV) 17 This point is located in the middle of the chest, midway between both nipples. It is used to open the chest, loosen up congestion, stop coughing and encourage full breathing.

NUTRITION for Allergies

For the lungs and respiratory system to be strong, they need proper nourishment, just like the rest of the body. Certain foods are good for increasing immunity, while also opening up the lungs and increasing circulation. Foods like garlic and onions reduce inflammation and fight off infections. Chili peppers open up the nasal passages, stimulating the mucus membranes and fighting off pollen, bacteria and viruses. Peppers, berries and parsley all contain quercetin, which can reduce histamine reactions that occur when allergies flare up.
Get in touch with us to learn more!

Chinese HERBAL formulas for Allergies

Combinations of herbs, known as formulas, are used frequently in TCM. One of the most commonly used formulas is Yu Ping Feng San or Jade Wind Screen. This formula builds up the Wei qi, while decreasing allergy symptoms like sneezing and rhinitis. Another popular formula choice of TCM practitioners is Bi Yan Pian. 

This formula works to clear the nasal passages, and it usually works within five days to a week. Compare that with the weeks of symptoms many people spend trying to mask with Western medicine. The herbs in Bi Yan Pian work to disperse wind, expel toxins, relieve inflammation and dissolve phlegm.

This information is provided only to educate and inform, it is NOT A SUBSTITUTE for the advice of a licensed and registered health care provider. Seek prompt attention for emergencies. Please contact us or another health care provider for specific health concerns, and before starting a diet, cleanse or exercise routine.

Liver and Acupuncture

October 2020

There is a saying from the Dalai Lama, "Today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live." And we couldn't agree more. Today is also the best day to start your journey to healthier, happier living, so why not book a consultation and discover how we can help you start strong. Contact us today, click the link.

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Liver and Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese Medicine, a medical system that has been around for thousands of years, views the human body quite differently from Western medicine. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), there are energetic pathways are associated with specific organs in the body. When these pathways, or meridians, and the energy flowing through them, are out of balance, then the body may become diseased.
A study published in the European Journal of Integrative Medicine looked at how acupuncture might be able to inhibit injury to the liver caused by the prescription combination of morphine and acetaminophen. The researchers discovered those who received acupuncture after the prescription combination, also had less damage to their livers. This occurs because of the antioxidant-stimulating effects of acupuncture treatments. The researchers concluded acupuncture may provide a safe alternative detox method for people chronically taking morphine or acetaminophen.

In TCM, the liver and its corresponding pathway are responsible for the smooth flow of Qi (pronounced “chee”) or energy, blood and emotions. The liver is easily affected by excess stress and uncontrolled emotions. The liver is paired with the gallbladder and the two work very closely as a unit. When one is imbalanced, the other may display the symptoms.
Anger is the emotion commonly associated with the liver and gallbladder. If a person gets angered easily, frequently feels frustrated, has difficulty relaxing or letting things go, and is unreasonable, it is safe to guess their liver energy isn’t flowing smoothly. There are many methods of balancing liver energy and returning proper flow throughout the body. Learning to stay calm and channel one’s anger appropriately is a good place to start. Practice some deep breathing, meditation, yoga or even take a walk. All of these things are great for balancing stagnant liver energy. 

Alternatively, there's a technique known as dry brushing to smooth liver energy. Using a hairbrush with rounded bristles or a soft bristle brush, one can lightly brush down along the liver energetic meridian, which runs along the inner thighs and inner calves, all the way down to the inside corner of the big toe. This can be done for about five minutes per leg. Dry brushing gently stimulates the liver meridian, allowing the blood and energy to flow more freely and relaxing not only the liver, but the whole body. 
Acupuncture is another great way to balance the liver energies. Regular acupuncture treatments help balance the body holistically and without any real side effects. Acupuncture can increase the flow of energy throughout the body, remove blockages and stagnation and allow the liver to function properly, which will ultimately allow the body to detox more effectively. 

If you deal with anger, stress or have a history of gallstones, it might be a good idea to give acupuncture a try. Give us a call, find out how we can help guide you through balancing the energy of the liver meridian.


August 2020

You are unique. Every individual walks their own path, and experiences different hiccups along the road. Dr. Li's TCM Clinic has been helping individuals look and feel healthy, naturally and holistically, for over 20 years. Among the wide range of expertise, both traditional and no-needle (laser) acupuncture is available at all our clinics, to help your life journey be as enjoyable as possible.

For personalised support and advice to maintain your health, click the button below to learn more about how our services can most benefit you. 

The Founder and Owner of Dr. Li's TCM Clinics, with over 19 years clinical experience in China and Australia, Dr. Li also lectures in TCM at the Faculty of Pharmacy, in the University of Sydney.
With a great passion for Acupuncture and her wealth of experience and knowledge, backed by an incredible team makes Dr. Li's clinic the one to visit.

Acupuncture for Stroke

The tragic death of 49 year old Mythbusters legend, Grant Imahara, has left many shaken because aneurisms and strokes are a frightful reality, even for those under 45's. Strokes are quite common, and are a leading cause of resultant long-term disabilities. 

A stroke results from an acute lack of blood supply to a portion of the brain. Because brain cells are very dependent on oxygen, a few minutes without proper blood flow can be quite damaging. Symptoms of a stroke may include numbness or weakness of the limbs, difficulty swallowing, headache, mental confusion, paralysis, problems with coordination, sudden visual loss and slurred speech. Modern imaging such as MRI’s can help detect how bad the brain damage is following a stroke. 

Acupuncture could be beneficial for those who have already suffered a stroke. However, it could be just as beneficial in preventing strokes which is simply another great reason to add acupuncture to your arsenal of weapons when it comes to your health. 

Typical post-stroke care starts with seven days of hospitalization followed by a couple weeks of physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. Unfortunately, even after all of this, most stroke victims still have deficits and disabilities. Acupuncture could help to repair these deficits and disabilities. After a stroke, acupuncture should be started as quickly as possible. Three treatments per week is recommended to begin following a stroke. 

Studies show when acupuncture is added to the recovery treatments that patients get well faster, require less nursing and rehabilitation, perform better self-care and use less money to recover

Scalp acupuncture views the scalp as a microcosm of the wholebody and works on zones rather than specific points. Acupuncture increases blood flow and oxygen to the areas of the cerebral cortex damaged from stroke and helps revive the cells and nerve function. It also incorporates a lot of what we know about the brain from a biomedical standpoint, like the idea that one side of the brain controls the opposite side of the body so if a patient had paralysis of the right leg, the acupuncturist would needle the left side of the scalp. 
Scalp acupuncture seems to be the most effective method of treating stroke patients. Scalp acupuncture has a couple of different systems, but Zhu’s Scalp Acupuncture is the most commonly used. Zhu’s Scalp Acupuncture prevents or reduces brain swelling or edema, thus halting further damage to brain tissues. It promotes perfusion in the brain, which restores blood and oxygen to the brain cells. It helps break down blood clots and it can accelerate functional recovery. 


The best DEFENCE is a good OFFENCE

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine could also be used in a preventive way to stop a stroke from occurring. The sooner a person starts their journey to health and recovery, the higher the chance to avoid future issues. Getting regular acupuncture treatments can help with relaxation and relieve stress that could contribute to strokes. Also adopting a traditional Chinese diet can be beneficial, as it is high in fiber, low in fat, sugar and dairy products. It is proven that for populations that eat this kind of diet, they have a decreased chance of stroke and heart attacks. 

Still Falling Sick? 

July 2020

Fall is the season associated with the lung and large intestine energetic meridians in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and it is often the time people start to catch cold.

The two meridians of the lung and large intestine work in a symbiotic way to control the immune system from both inside and outside of your body. The large intestine channel runs up the arms, across the shoulders, up the neck, over the face and ends next to the nose.

As many people now know, the health of our large intestine and gastrointestinal tract overall plays a big part in our immunity. Keeping the large intestine channel warm and preventing exposure from the elements will help to keep you healthy. Cold pathogens can enter the body through the pores or nasal cavity. OUR ADVICE TO YOU: By wrapping the neck and shoulders with a scarf during the chilly months, you can help ward off the pathogens and prevent catching a cold or the flu. The large intestine also has the function of transporting all waste products out of the body or to other areas for excretion, it absorbs liquid and releases anything that is no longer needed. This can be food, toxins or even emotions. This helps to cleanse the body and mind.

Wei Qi

The lungs are the paired organ system to the large intestine in TCM. The lungs have a special kind of energy called Wei Qi (pronounced “way chee”). Wei Qi is similar to what Western medicine calls this the immune system. Wei Qi provides a barrier that protects the body from pathogens. When the Wei Qi is depleted or low, then the body is unable to fight off infections. Strong, healthy lungs could enhance the function of the whole body. Lung health can be weakened by poor food choices, pollution, poor genetics, emotional stress, and even unexpressed emotions such as grief or sadness.

Your lungs control breath and energy, while assisting the heart with the circulation of blood throughout the body. The lungs also control the skin by breathing with the opening and closing of the pore, thus regulating body temperature. The pores regulate body temperature both through perspiration and shivering. This mechanism is another way the lungs help to protect the body – when we perspire, we usually release toxins from the body. Fewer toxins means less chance of getting sick.

OUR ADVICE TO YOU: It is a good idea to start focusing on the health of your lungs and large intestine. One way to do this is by getting regular acupuncture treatments. Check in with us if you’d like to schedule extra appointments this winter to support your lungs and large intestine!


How Positivity Affects You

June 2020

There is nothing more important than having a positive attitude. The attitude you display toward your day-to-day activities can make a huge difference in improving the quality of your life! Positivity makes the world go round and helps to ensure everything functions harmoniously. It’s a no-brainer that positivity, well, positively affects you.

You should allow the enhancing effects of positivity to start impacting your day as soon as possible. Start your day by letting small amounts of sunlight into your room, enjoying a cup of warming herbal tea and just reflecting on what it is you plan to accomplish today. A simple morning routine such as this can boost productivity and positivity throughout the day.

Once your day is started you should make sure to keep the positive energy going.

 It’s easy to allow the stress of your work day to get to you, and, this can crush the positive energy you have worked so hard to embody. The funny thing about this is positive thinking works to eliminate stress and improves well-being. So, in order to not let the work day stress get to you, simply think positive!

Positive thinking will not only help to eliminate stress, but it will improve your skills, your work ethic and the amount of success you will achieve in life. In addition to the morning routine, there are some other tips and tricks to help you gain a more positive mindset and apply consistent positive thinking to your lifestyle.

Exercise.  Exercise is very important to both your physical and mental health, make sure you schedule time throughout your day to get some exercise or play-time in, by doing this you can help maintain a positive lifestyle. 

Meditation.   Meditation can be extremely beneficial to enriching your life with positive energy. If you do not happen to be an expert on meditation yourself, or you have never done it before, reach out to those in your community who can assist you with mediation and help you harness its benefits.

Writing.    Writing down your thoughts and journaling can help reduce stress and induce positivity. It is important to catalogue our thoughts, this way we do not bottle them up. So, start a journal, a blog or even write some poetry. A little writing can go a long way to making you stay positivity.

Herbal Tea.  Having something nice and warm to start your day can ensure positivity throughout the rest of it. Start your day with a soothing cup of herbal tea and think positive thoughts as you drink every sip. The combination of a good tea and positive thinking can be very beneficial for staying positive. For a personalised herbal tea plan, speak with your registered TCM practitioner. You could enhance this relaxing practice while enjoying extra health benefits!

Learn to live as one with positivity and you will succeed in all your long-term goals.

Personal Protection & Immune Support

May 2020

Personal Protection & Immune Support

Personal Protection Tips

Everyone can take simple steps to not only prevent the spread of diseases, seasonal Influenza and other respiratory illnesses:

  • Wash your hands frequently with warm water and soap
  • Avoid touching your face
  • Cough and sneeze into a bent elbow or tissue, then throw away the tissue
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Stay home when you or a family member is sick
  • Clean and disinfect frequently used objects and surfaces
  • Clean your produce thoroughly

Homemade Disinfectant

  1. Fill a 16 oz spray bottle most of the way full with 99% isopropyl rubbing alcohol.
  2. Add the following essential oils:
    • 30 drops tea tree essential oil
    • 15 drops lemon essential oil
    • 15 drops lavender essential oil
    • 15 drops eucalyptus essential oil

As always, get plenty of rest, drink water and find ways to reduce stress.

Immune Supportive Vitamins

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the biggest immune system supporters. Daily intake of vitamin C is essential for good health. Foods rich in vitamin C include - oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, strawberries, bell peppers, spinach, kale and broccoli.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that could help your body fight off infection. Some foods rich in vitamin E include nuts, seeds and spinach.

How Stress Physically Effects Your Body

March 2020

Many people get a migraine now and then, it is estimated that 4.9 million Australians suffer with migraines. And usually they can be cleared up quickly with over-the-counter medication or other treatment method.

Symptoms of a migraine can include nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and even difficulty speaking. For some, migraines become so intense they actually have to miss work and put their lives on hold. 

Migraines tend to be more debilitating than regular headaches and can literally ruin someone’s life. Unfortunately, science still can’t explain what causes migraines, it makes it virtually impossible to find a cure. But this is where natural medicine and nutrition excel in the treatment of migraines.

There are many natural approaches to treating migraines. We’ll examine five ways to naturally approach migraines. 

1. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a part of the Traditional Chinese Medical system that has been around for nearly 3 000 years. Acupuncture uses pressure points on the body to help decrease pain and inflammation, while balancing the energy within the body. When somebody is suffering from a migraine, all the energy is rushes to their head. By stimulating or poking pressure points on the feet, this energy can then be drawn down and reduced, thus potentially decreasing the intensity of the migraine. Acupuncture may also help with the treatment of the other symptoms frequently associated with migraines.

2. Diet

Your diet plays such an important role in your life. For many migraine sufferers, gluten sensitivities can be the main cause of pain. Gluten is a component found in wheat and it is known to increase inflammation in the body. Magnesium and B vitamins are also very important for migraine sufferers. Studies show many migraine sufferers actually have low levels of both magnesium and B vitamins. Magnesium blocks pain-transmitting chemicals in the brain, while B vitamins help decrease oxidative stress in the body that may lead to chronic pain and inflammation. 

3. Biofeedback

Another suggested natural cure for migraines, biofeedback provides information about muscle tension, skin temperature, brain waves and

other body signals that helps reduce stress levels. Small sensors are placed on the skin to measure the aforementioned items. Using that information allows the migraine sufferer to change the blood flow to the brain, which helps manage the pain.

4. Exercise

Everybody knows exercise is good for the body. But for people with chronic pain, it is even more important. Just by sitting at a desk, working on a computer all day, we are adding an additional 9-14 kilograms of pressure to our necks! This can create stress and tension on the muscles and tendons in the neck and shoulder area, which can contribute to migraine pain and frequency. Studies show by merely adding in 20 minutes of stretching daily, migraines and other chronic pain levels can be significantly reduced. Plus exercise gets the blood pumping and increases oxygenation to the tissues. Both are important for relieving pain and inflammation.

5. Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is another area proven beneficial for migraine sufferers. Chiropractic manipulation helps reduce oxidative stress at the cellular level. Oxidative stress damages tissues and can ultimately lead to disease. Studies show chiropractic adjustments can help decrease tension and relieve pain almost instantaneously.

If you are one of the 4.9 million Australians who suffers from migraines, you are not alone, but the silver lining is that there are natural cures out there that may help you get your life back. Hopefully one or more of these remedies will help you too.

Dr. Li’s TCM Clinic has been helping patients look and feel healthy for over 20 years, and our team wants to help you restore your health naturally. Both traditional acupuncture and no-needle (laser) acupuncture are available at all our clinics.

5 Myths About Acupuncture That You Should 

Stop Believing Right Now

Acupuncture is part of a medical system known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has been around for nearly 3,000 years. The practice uses hair-thin needles to stimulate acupressure points - specific points on the body that regulate the flow of energy through pathways called meridians. The free and balanced flow of this energy, or Qi, dispels pain and illness from the body according to TCM. For many years in the Western world, in fact for most of the 3,000 years acupuncture has existed, people have been sceptical about placing their faith in a medical system that looks at energy pathways instead of veins. 

Today, a growing body of research on acupuncture is going a long way to prove the efficacy of acupuncture for a variety of afflictions, and the practice is growing in popularity. If you’re one of those people still on the fence, take a closer look at these five prevailing myths about acupuncture before deciding it’s not for you.

Myth 1:  Acupuncture is Painful

It’s understandable to think being pricked with multiple needles

would be painful or at least uncomfortable as our experience with needles is with injections and hypodermic needles. Those needs are significantly larger than acupuncture needles, which are only about twice the diameter of a human hair. Acupuncture needles are also extremely flexible and can bend to a 90-degree angle without breaking. Rather than pain, most patients report a vague numbness, heaviness, tingling or dull ache around where the needles are inserted.

Myth 2:  Acupuncture Only Works to Treat Pain

This couldn’t be further from the truth. In Asia, acupuncture is used to treat just about everything, and in the US, research is showing that it may alleviate a multitude of ailments. Acupuncture may help anything from allergies to arthritis. Some hospitals are now offering acupuncture to help alleviate stress and anxiety in the emergency room, and the US military is using acupuncture on the battlefield to help with PTSD.

Myth 3:  Acupuncture is Just a Placebo Effect

Over the past decade, scientific studies have come a long way in disproving this claim. Most studies

February 2020

today test the efficacy of acupuncture treatments by performing true acupuncture on a portion of the study participants and sham acupuncture on another group. The sham acupuncture, placing needles in people at random points rather than known acupoints, is meant to test the strength of the placebo effect in acupuncture. Several studies have found that while people in both groups report some change (pain relief, less nausea etc. depending on the study), the group that receives true acupuncture consistently reports more significant change, for a longer period of time, and system-wide change rather than just localised effects where the needles are inserted. In May 2018, the Journal of Pain published a study that looked at acupuncture and chronic pain using data from nearly 21,000 patients. In their study, patients who received sham acupuncture did not see significant changes in their pain whereas the group that received true acupuncture did, adding to the body of evidence showing acupuncture may not be explained away by the placebo effect.

Myth 4:  Acupuncture Works Miracles & it Only Takes a Couple of Needles to Cure You

The truth is that acupuncture works on a cumulative basis, just like building muscle or losing fat by going to the gym. You can’t expect to go to the gym once and look like Dwayne 

Johnson.  It takes time, and depending on how long you’ve been dealing with your ailment, it may take quite a bit of time and multiple treatments. There are no instant fixes when it comes to health.

Myth 5:  Acupuncture is Expensive

This all depends on the practitioner, the type of acupuncture being performed and whether or not you use private health insurance. While prices may vary, as more and more insurance policies start to cover acupuncture, it is becoming more accessible to more people.

Dr. Li’s TCM Clinic has been helping patients look and feel healthy for over 20 years, and our team wants to help you restore your health naturally. Both traditional acupuncture and no-needle (laser) acupuncture are available at all our clinics.

Stand Taller without Lower Back Pain!

Reviewed by Dr. Ying Min Li

Statistics show that almost eight out of ten people will experience lower back pain at some point in their lifetime. Seeking medical treatment for this issue is very common. Typical back pain is fleeting and can be easily resolved with rest, heat and anti-inflammatory medication. However, once the damage is done, the pain can return much more frequently due to our muscles and tendons becoming less flexible over time. This often happens due to our lifestyles – people are often too sedentary which leads to weight gain and increases pressure on the lower back.

October 2019

TCM has a few key methods that may help remedy your lower back pain:

  • Acupuncture. Studies have shown that acupuncture may help to reduce inflammation and produce endorphins, which assist in reducing pain. As such, acupuncture might help to prevent the need for costly surgeries or prescription medicines.
  • Nutrition. Certain nutrients may significantly help lower back pain. Fatty fish like tuna and salmon provide omega-3 fatty acids that may reduce inflammation. Grapes and berries contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components that may help to reduce pain. Hemp seeds may also be helpful if you are suffering from lower back pain as they can help to decrease pain and inflammation as well.
  • Chinese Herbs. Herbs are a typical treatment in TCM, and they can be applied topically in the form of balms or salves, or internally. One common herb used to help treat lower back pain is Xu Duan, which is said to strengthens sinew, promote blood circulation and alleviate pain. Other herbal formulas exist such as Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang which may also alleviate pain and inflammation.

As you can see, TCM has many great ways that might help reduce lower back pain, and the treatments are always specialised according to your symptoms and condition. So if you are suffering from lower back pain, you might benefit from coming into Dr. Li’s TCM Clinic for a consultation. To make an appointment contact us now.

Dr. Li’s TCM Clinic has been helping patients look and feel healthy for over 20 years, and our team wants to help you become your best. Both traditional acupuncture and no-needle (laser) acupuncture are available at all our clinics.

Relax and Recuperate this Father's Day!

Reviewed by Dr. Ying Min Li

September 2019

As Australia’s premier TCM professionals, we pride ourselves in providing services and products of the highest quality and value for money – those which are the best and most affordable for our loyal customers. All our practitioners are fully qualified and have significant experience in all the traditional techniques we offer, and we are constantly looking to innovate by regularly attending seminars to update our knowledge and skills with the newest, best techniques to improve YOUR well-being. We are best known for our Massages, Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine treatment techniques, which might be helpful for that special someone this Father’s Day!

A great gift for dad this Father’s Day could be to get him a gift card for Dr. Li's TCM Clinic if he’s experiencing any discomfort. Acupuncture is a treatment method that consists of inserting thin, disposable needles into the skin, 

and in TCM it works by promoting the smooth flow of Qi throughout the body and is commonly used to break Qi stagnations in certain parts of the body. If you try Acupuncture, it might help to treat a variety of chronic conditions including:

  • Tendinitis
  • Arthritis
  • Headaches
  • Chronic Pain
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Constant Stress

If your dad is suffering from any symptoms like this, he might benefit from coming into Dr. Li’s TCM Clinic for a consultation to see if the alternative TCM treatments are right for him. If he’s suffering from any chronic conditions, rest assured, Dr. Li’s TCM Clinic is here to help. To make an appointment contact us now.

Avoid Sickness with these Simple Tricks!

Reviewed by Dr. Ying Min Li

Why do I get sick so easily?

From an acupuncture perspective, your body is made up of lots of different types of Qi, or energy, all with their own specific functions. One essential type is the Wei Qi, roughly translated as “immunity”, which is your body’s natural strength and ability to fight off pathogens like viruses and bacteria.

The Wei Qi flows in the space between the skin and muscles, and is the first line of defence against sickness. It also controls the opening and closing of your pores, so spontaneous sweating is a sign of weakness in your protective Wei Qi.

When the Wei Qi is not strong enough, it is unable to fight off outside pathogens, and you are likely to get sick. 

What could be damaging my Wei Qi?

There are a number of other energetic imbalances that can weaken the body’s Wei Qi:

  • When there is Qi Stagnation in the body from stress or mental tension, this halts the flow of Qi through the body, so the area where the Wei Qi flows is not supported properly, and the Wei Qi suffers.
  • When the digestive energy is weakened due to a poor diet, overwork or stress, it cannot transport nutrients throughout the body, which deteriorates the Wei Qi.
  • When the lung Qi is weakened through too much talking, grief, pollution, illness or allergies, it cannot turn our breath into the Qi we need to protect ourselves. The lungs are also said to control the Wei Qi, so when they are weakened, the Wei Qi suffers by direct extension.
  • When our Jing, or essence, isn’t strong due to constitutional and genetic factors, all of our body’s systems suffer, including the Wei Qi.

How can I boost my Wei Qi?

Fortunately, there are a few key ways to bolster your Wei Qi and avoid sickness:

  • Eat right. The food we eat is transformed into Wei Qi by our digestive energy, so it is important to eat the correct foods to strengthen your Wei Qi. Be sure to limit processed foods, eat warm and hearty meals, eat at regular times, get enough protein and eat a balanced diet.
  • Get outside. The air we breathe is turned into Qi within our bodies by the lungs – try to get outside for at least 10 minutes every day for some fresh air.
  • Get enough sleep. Many deeper energy levels are replenished during sleep, and so the Wei Qi will be working overtime if you cannot get enough sleep, which will weaken your immunity.
  • Bundle up. In TCM, many pathogens enter the body through the back of the neck during cold weather. Try to keep your neck warm and covered during cold periods to avoid this.
  • Get acupuncture. There are specific points on the body that nourish the Wei Qi to help sickness. Acupuncture can also support other energy systems to indirectly boost the Wei Qi.

If you find that you're prone to getting sick, rest assured, Dr. Li’s TCM Clinic is here to help. Contact us now.

July 2019

Restore your energy and well-being by taking care of your Extraordinary Vessels!

Reviewed by Dr. Ying Min Li

June 2019

What are Extraordinary Vessels and the Ren Mai?

Some of the most important energy channels in the body aren’t the primary acupuncture meridians, but rather deeper channels of energy flow called the Extraordinary Vessels. These help the body regulate the 12 main channels. They are a deeper source of our body’s fundamental physiological energy. One of the most important vessels is called the Conception Vessel, or Ren Mai. It is one of only two Extraordinary Vessels that has actual acupuncture points along its pathway.

The Ren Mai originates between the kidneys, flows down to the perineum and then runs up the mid-line of the front of the body to the mouth. There are 24

acupuncture points along the Ren Mai, but the whole of the vessel is accessed through the opening points on the kidney and lung meridians on the ankles and wrists.

Functions of the Ren Mai

The Ren Mai is referred to as the Sea of Yin, and exerts an effect on all of the yin channels. Based on TCM theory, yin represents all the cool, watery, passive, inward and resting physiological forces within the body. The Ren Mai may be used relieve to numerous afflictions due to this association:

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Sweaty palms
  • Dry mouth and throat
  • Types of anxiety

The Ren Mai flows through the uterus and is said to regulate the uterus and the blood, and can therefore be responsible for a number of bodily functions for women, including:

  • Puberty
  • Menstruation
  • Fertility
  • Menopause

Therefore, it is particularly important for women at a younger and older age to ensure their Ren Mai is healthy – those going through menopause may be experiencing a natural weakening of the yin.

The Ren Mai is not just designed to nourish. It also moves energy in the uterus and the organs around the pelvic cavity. As such, it may be used to solve symptoms such as:

  • Chronic bladder problems
  • Hernias
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Not only that, but the Ren Mai can also help to promote the descending of lung Qi (which can stop coughing and wheezing), and helps the kidneys grasp the Qi.

The Ren Mai performs a wide variety of functions for the body as an Extraordinary Vessel, and can be treated with acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and certain nourishing foods.

Fortunately, Dr. Li’s TCM Clinic is here to help. To make an appointment, contact us now.

Dr. Li’s TCM Clinic has been helping patients look and feel healthy for over 20 years, and our team wants to help you become your best. Both traditional acupuncture and no-needle (laser) acupuncture are available at all our clinics.

Getting help with Respiratory Issues

Reviewed by Dr. Ying Min Li

Our lungs are a very important part of our body. Without them functioning properly, we would not be able to live. In the United States alone, nearly 200 000 people die yearly from respiratory diseases. These include acute and chronic conditions; everything from the flu to emphysema. While many of these ailments can be prevented, there are others that are unavoidable due to factors like genetics.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the lungs play a strange role because they are considered the most external of the internal organs. With every breath taken, the lungs come into direct contact with the outside world. Also, any part of the body that helps us breathe is considered part of the respiratory system, such as the nose, bronchi, sinuses, diaphragm and even the skin, to some degree.

What’s great about TCM, is how the treatment of any condition is approached on an individual basis. Every person gets a different treatment regimen depending on their own specific symptoms and diagnosis. There are various modalities that might help your respiratory system function better, such as cupping to remove toxins from the lungs, or herbal formulas, but each patient’s treatment is approached separately. Here are some ways that TCM may help those suffering from respiratory issues.

Acupuncture for Respiratory Issues: Acupuncture may help to build or tonify the energy within the respiratory system. This energy is called Qi (pronounced “chee”). When lung Qi is strong, and the body is balanced, then respiratory issues are rarely problematic. Acupuncture stimulates blood flow which carries oxygen to every cell in the body. The increased blood flow could boost the immune system, dilate the bronchioles and produce anti-inflammatory agents that might help improve breathing by relaxing the muscles.

Acupuncture Points for Respiratory Issues

Kidney 27

This point is located bilaterally on the chest, just below the collarbone. Kidney 27 may open the lungs, reduce coughing and encourage full breathing.

Lung 5

Lung 5 is located at the end of the outer crease of the elbow, just to the outside of the tendon. This point may open the airways and the throat, while reducing coughing and wheezing.

March 2019

Ren 17

This point is located in the middle of the chest, midway between both nipples. It may open the chest, loosen up congestion, stop coughing and encourage full breathing. 

Chinese Herbals Formulas for Respiratory Issues

Combinations of herbs, known as formulas are used frequently in TCM. One of the most commonly used herbs is Wu Wei Zi, also known as Schisandra. This herb might be used to treat asthma, wheezing, and boost immune function.

A popular formula choice of TCM practitioners is Bi Yan Pian. This formula might be used to clear the nasal passages and it may accomplish this within five days to a week. The herbs in Bi Yan Pian work to disperse wind, expel toxins, relieve inflammation and dissolve phlegm.

Nutrition for Respiratory Issues

For the lungs and respiratory system to be strong, they need proper nourishment, just like the rest of the body. Certain foods are good for increasing immunity, while also opening up the lungs and increasing circulation. Foods like garlic and onions reduce inflammation and fight off infections. Chilli peppers open the nasal passages, stimulating the mucus membranes and fighting off the invasion of nasty bacteria and viruses. Carrots and pumpkin are rich in vitamins A, C and lycopene. All these vitamins affect lung health by lowering the chances of developing lung disease.

As you can see, TCM could be a great way for you to deal with respiratory issues. If you are having difficulties dealing with these types of conditions, contact us now and we will see what we can do to get you back on track.

Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine for Stress Relief Research Article


A nutritious diet, a healthy weight, avoiding smoking and alcohol, and attention to other preventive factors, are all ways that you can increase your chance of having a baby. But sometimes this isn’t enough. Having healthy sperm is one of the important factors in getting pregnant. Unfortunately, sperm can be sensitive to physical stresses from things like medications, heat, and even having a high fever. But scientists think that antioxidants and other nutrients may be able to help protect sperm from damage, and keep them healthy and on the move.  

So, researchers at NICM, Australia’s leader in integrative medicine research and policy development at Western Sydney University, are looking for men to volunteer for a clinical study which will test the effects of a nutritional supplement on sperm health. If you have been told that your sperm health could be better, you might be eligible for this study. You do not need to be actively trying to conceive to volunteer for the study. The estimated time commitment is three hours over six months, and travel reimbursements of up to $100 a visit are available.  

What is involved in the study? Well, you will be randomly allocated to take either the nutritional supplement or a placebo for 26 weeks. You will be asked to provide three semen samples for analysis over the six months, and to have two blood tests. And of course, you will be playing a vital role in helping scientists figure out how to protect sperm from damage. 

Find out if you are eligible by using the confidential online questionnaire at:  

For more information, visit: 

OR contact: 
p. 02 4620 3810
m. 0414 357 363

October 2020

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